Page 15 of Ryker's Reward

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And fuck me, nothing has ever felt this good. Nothing. The entire damn world stops spinning, only to start again with a lurch. When it does, I realize how utterly fucked I am. Because Francesca Moore, my sunshine, just supplanted the sun in my universe.

Jesus, I didn't see her coming.

"You broke my rules," she whispers after a moment, pressing her face to my shoulder. She isn't mad about it. I feel the way her lips curve against my throat.

"Get used to it, sunshine. I plan on breaking all your rules."



Ilean back against Ryker’s warm chest and groan as he slides a bite of New York cheesecake-stuffed French toast past my lips. After Ryker spent the night obliterating my rules and taming my virgin body, we slept in until noon, then took a long, hot bath together. Now, we’re enjoying a late breakfast dressed in fluffy white hotel robes. His hardness pressed against my rear end tells me he’s interested in more than food right now.

“Keep groaning like that and I’ll give you something else to taste,” he whispers against the side of my neck, causing my lady muscles to clench. A tiny bite of pain reminds me of what caused the soreness tingling between my legs.

“I don’t think my poor little lady bits can handle another round of rule-breaking.” I lean over and lick a dot of whipped cream from the side of his lips. “Can I take a raincheck?”

“Oh, sunshine.” He slides his hand inside the robe to cup one of my tits. “I’ll make sure we don’t injure any bits.” He smiles and covers my lips with his. As his tongue traces the inside of my mouth, I forget about the slight discomfort and wiggle on his lap.

“Fuck.” When Ryker pulls back and grumbles against my lips, I realize there’s a ringing coming from somewhere in the suite. “This better be life or death.” He sets me on the chair before kissing the side of my neck. “I’ll get rid of them and be right back,” he promises and storms off toward the bedroom.

From what I can hear, the call must be from the CIA. Darn. I can’t tell exactly what the issue is, but from the tone of his voice and the F-bombs flying around the suite, I’m pretty sure our plans to spend the day together just flew out the window.

I’m flipping through the channels on the humongous television when Ryker strolls back from the bedroom. He’s replaced the fluffy robe with jeans and a polo shirt. “I’m fucking sorry.” He drops to his knees in front of me. “Duty calls and I can’t get out of it.”

“I totally understand.” I hide my disappointment behind a bright smile. “Can we still have dinner tonight?” He invited me to the Broadway Steakhouse, and I’m dying to try out the very expensive restaurant.

“I’m not sure how long I’ll be.” Ryker brings my hand to his lips and places a soft kiss across my knuckles. “Stay here and relax and I’ll get back as soon as possible. It will give you time to come up with a few more rules for me to break.” He grabs his wallet and phone and turns to wink at me. “Don’t sneak out or I’ll have to tear your sweet ass up.”

As I pull on my wrinkled dress and skip the dirty undies, I tell myself it’s not really sneaking out if I walk through the hotel with my head held high. Okay. It’s still technically a walk of shame, but I’m not ashamed of last night. In fact, I want the world to know that Mr. High and Mighty is mine.

“Well, one of us had a really good night.” Amelia smirks as I walk in our apartment door carrying my high heels. There was no way I was stumbling up two freaking flights of stairs in three-inch heels. “I never thought walking bowlegged was a real thing.” She shrugs as a laugh bubbles up her throat. “But you are definitely walking a little gingerly. I want all the details.”

“After I get a nap,” I grumble and walk past my roommate straight to my bedroom, totally exhausted from our night of lovemaking. I brush my teeth and pull on a faded concert t-shirt before falling into my bed. The cold bed feels so empty without strong, masculine arms wrapped around me.

It feels like I’ve barely closed my eyes when the phone rings. I blink awake and realize my bedroom is completely dark. Oh, man. What time is it? “Hello,” I answer, noticing I’ve been asleep for hours.

“That’s fifteen,” Ryker growls.

“Fifteen,” I sputter and push my hair out of my face. “I don’t think…” I start, but Mr. High and Mighty interrupts me.

“I told you to stay put and you didn’t listen. I came back to the hotel, expecting to find my naked woman waiting, and instead was greeted by an empty hotel room. Now, your little ass is going to pay the price for your disobedience.”

“Now, hold up,” I cut him off. “When did I agree to be obedient?” He might own my heart, but it’s time to set a few ground rules before Mr. High and Mighty gets a big head. “If you want obedience, get a dog.”

My head spins as Ryker changes course suddenly. “I hated returning to the suite to find it empty. I miss you, sunshine.” His voice deepens, and I suddenly regret leaving. “I can't stand being without you.”

“I’m sorry I left, but the suite was so empty without you.” My snark evaporates at the longing I hear in his voice. “I thought I’d come home and get a nap then do some homework, but I was way more exhausted than I thought. I fell sound asleep and just woke up when you called.” I glance at the time and see it’s already eight o’clock, and I have hours of homework to complete before tomorrow. It kills me to spend the night in my empty bed, but I can’t let anything derail my education.

Ryker isn’t happy when I refuse to do my homework at the hotel with him, but I’m not stupid. If I returned to the hotel tonight, the only education I’d be getting is the intimate kind.

The next morning, I push through the employee entrance juggling my backpack and cup of coffee. Thank God for good concealer since I ended up getting exactly forty-seven minutes of sleep before my alarm rang.

“Good morning, sunshine.” Ryker is standing at the reception desk when I walk around the corner. My heart squeezes in my chest as I stare at his hotness.

“Good morning.” I drop my backpack behind the counter and rush around to give him a kiss, ignoring Rodney’s gasp of shock. “I missed you,” I whisper against his warm lips and watch them turn up into a smile.

“You’re the one who insisted on sleeping at home last night.” Ryker gently bites my bottom lip before running his tongue over the spot. His warm minty breath brushes my lips, sending electricity shooting up my spine. Staring into his deep blue eyes, I forget we’re standing in the middle of the hotel lobby. “And I fucking hated every second of it.” His growl echoes around the lobby. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Rodney and Mr. Hollen both attempting to appear busy while they blatantly eavesdrop on our conversation.

Tags: Loni Nichole Romance