Page 29 of Live and Let Orc

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I’m a lucky girl.

Mol’s muscles flex as he eases them back and forth, making the ropes gently sway and the kids laugh, and begging him to let them go higher.

Sweat glistens off his green skin and a fluttering down low begs for more of his special Daddy attention.

My parents are still in Texas. They refuse to come this far north, even to see their grandchildren, but I keep hope in my heart that theirs will open someday again and we can re-build the burnt bridges between us.

Levi and Chloe visit about twice a year. They have twins and have settled into a more conservative life, but are still some of my best friends, and as the world continues to evolve, there’s always the possibility they might move closer.

The clan camp has continued to grow and improve. Orcs and humans still battle it out, but there are glimmers of hope.

The mating program has done well! The family is growing and I love having a new best friend and sister in Athaan.

I settle my brushes into the jar of water then wipe my hands down my apron. There’s always work to do living in a more primitive way but it’s the perfect life for me.

The kids come barreling through the door, each holding a stick of spun hard sugar Gathra makes for them.

“Wait for me in your room. If you are quiet until I come for you, we will go to the pond.”

“Yes, Faleth,” they say in unison as they speed by me and head to the back hallway where Mol added on to our cabin for the children.

There’s the slam of a door as Mol steps closer and I work my way toward the kitchen to start on dinner.

Mol has that look in his eyes like he hasn’t eaten for weeks, but I know it’s not steaming venison or prime cut beef he’s looking for.

I love his scent. It’s unlike anything human but it hits me right in my ovaries every time. Especially…

“Your glow stick is showing,” I quip as he corners me behind the counter and spins me around.

He takes a long sniff at the nape of my neck and I shiver.

His lips curl, his tusks glinting as he snarls and lifts me to stand on the special stool he built that makes me the perfect height for being raw dogged from behind.

“You’re in heat,” he rumbles, tearing my skirt down the back and pressing my face down next to the sink. “Daddy needs his baby.”

“But, what if someone finds out?” I play.

“They will find out. When you’re bred with Daddy’s baby, everyone will know. When I’m dripping out of you every day and your belly is round, everyone will know. It’s time for Daddy to teach you how to be a big girl.”

“Huzzah,” I say as he forces my legs apart, gathers my hands behind my back, gripping my wrists together, then stuffs me full of his cock while the other one slips down and assaults my clit.

It’s a hard, rough fuck, and I’m tossed over into bliss almost immediately. After four years and who knows how many orgasms, this shit never gets old. He bends me in all sorts of contortions, lifts me, hangs me over his head, you name it. If Mol can imagine it, we’ve done it. But, something tells me, he will never stop figuring out new ways to play with his toy.

He plows into me until I’m gushing with his jizz. He spurts so much when it comes, it could fill a bucket, and I already know, if he says I’m in heat, I’ll be pregnant by tomorrow morning.

Ten orgasms later, his knot has finally calmed the hell down and he’s momentarily satisfied. I’m saturated for the moment, and he takes a solid whack at my ass then spins me around.


“Sit. Suck.”

He aims his dripping first cock at my lips. “Daddy wants a nice cock cleaning?”

“Less talking. More sucking. Do not neglect my balls.”

It’s not a life that most would understand.

But, it’s our life.

And I wouldn’t want it any other way.

“Whatever Daddy wants, Daddy gets,” I say, kissing the tip. Then I get down to business.

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Tags: Dani Wyatt Paranormal