Page 27 of Live and Let Orc

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“What about you, Rag’yah?” Mol’s voice booms, despite his injuries. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing it. “You with us or what?”

His words are met with silence. The big orc looks across all the faces, then finally settles on Gathra’s before turning his eyes down. “I’m not clearing up that mess with the bus,” he murmurs, then turns and stalks off into the darkness, and I feel Mol chuckling beside me.

“He’ll lick his wounds then he’ll be back,” Mol says. “As for us, I’m growing tired.”

“God, of course, you must be exhausted,” I tell him, trying to extricate myself from his arms.

“You’re going nowhere.”

“But you said—”

“Tired of talking,” he clarifies. Then without another word he turns away from the rest of the group, and his mouth meets mine.



“You are more beautiful than yesterday.” I stroke my cock as I watch her back up, step by step, naked into the pond.

“This place is beautiful.” The river rushes in the distance as she rubs her growing belly. “I’m one week pregnant and I already look like I’m ready to blow.”

“Orcs grow quickly but do not like to leave the warmth of their mother’s womb too soon. It will be a year before you give birth. Your belly will not grow much more. I will enjoy you like this more than I imagined.”

“Fork me. Really? I’m going to be like this for a year?” She throws her head back then falls, arms out, into the water.

“You are a very dramatic baby brat,” I say as I gather her favorite lemon berry shampoo and conditioner and wade out to where she’s floating on her back, belly round, her little tits more swollen as well, nipples tight already and leaking white milk.

“Well, come on, Daddy. There are some things to get used to.”

I pull her along into the deeper part of the pond until I’m chest deep in the water, then gather her against me and squeeze the shampoo into her long, black hair.

“Mmmmmm,” she moans, andfuckthat sound never gets old. I lather her hair, enjoying taking care of her in every way.

I still fill her with seed and have oral many times a day.

The clan is calm right now. The NHC keep their distance, but we must be ever vigilant especially now that a new orc will be joining the clan. There is excitement within our group, there are few who have not warmed to my Selthe with her quick humor and painting talents. She’s done portraits for almost everyone and her colorful and fun artwork has brightened the world for all of us.

When I finish, she swims around the pond, chattering and busting my balls at every opportunity.

She is a brat, but she is also my baby, my Selthe, my Raven and above all my mate.

“Come.” I wave her in as I walk to shore, picking up a folded blanket then wrapping it around her shoulders as goosebumps rise over her skin. “Sit.” I lift her onto a stone wall so she is face to face with me, dark lashes dotted with drops of water.

I reach into the pack I carried with us and pull out the empty mug and the bota. I pop the top and pour the steaming liquid into the mug as her eyes light up.

“Coffee? You brought coffee for me?”

I nod. “Not just coffee. Mocha coffee. The dark chocolate my mother brought you last week, I shaved and melted into the coffee. You talk of your Starbucks mocha drink often, I want to give you all these things. The best I can.”

“You are the best, Daddy.” She blows me a kiss, kicking her feet and reaching for the mug with excited hands.

“Yes, I agree.” I pull the mug away as she pouts. “There is one more thing.” I set down the mug on the wall next to her and pull out the small leather bag, my cocks standing up, as excited as I am about what’s coming.

“What’s that?” Her blue eyes sparkle in the sun as I lower myself onto my knee.

“Orc do not bow to anyone.” I start, clearing my throat, the tightness gathering in my chest as my heart threatens to burst. “But, I will bow to you, my tiny human mate.”

“Aww, Daddy. I bow to you all the time.” She grins on a little shrug. “While you’re fucking my face or plowing me on all fours.”

Tags: Dani Wyatt Paranormal