Page 18 of Live and Let Orc

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The voice is familiar, the scent as well. Something is cool on my forehead as I swallow and come back from the strange dream.

“Wake up.” Fingers pull at my lower lids as I blink and the rush of the last few hours returns.

“Mol,” I croak, my throat dry, the flicker of the fire dancing on the logs of the ceiling. He looks frightened, it’s the only time I’ve seen an orc show fear. “What’s wrong? What’s happened?”

It’s got to be bad. I wiggle to sit up, my body cocooned in soft suede and fur skins, a heap of pillows behind me.

“You passed out. I thought I killed you.” Angry orange veins crisscross his forehead as he runs his thick fingers down my cheek. “I didn’t know what to do, if I lost you now. I’ve waited centuries to find you, then you were gone. I’m never doing that again.”

Conflict roils in his eyes.

“Daddy, I’m okay. Please don’t say that, because if you never do that to me again, I’ll cry.” I stick out my bottom lip and whimper. “See, I’m going to cry right now just thinking about it.”

I wrinkle my nose, squeeze my eyes shut and feign a soft sob.

“Don’t cry.” He grunts. “I cannot hurt you like that. What if…”

“If you never fuck me again, I’ll cry forever,” I hiss, playing up the toddler tantrum on another fake sob.

He studies my face, his brow cinched. “You are playing with me. You are teasing Daddy.”

I shrug. “Well, then don’t say you’ll never fuck me again because that’s a very sad thing to think of.”

“Bad girl.” He shakes his head, squeezing my chin. “But, I did hurt you. I saw the blood on my cock. It took longer than I thought for the knot to go down, you were unconscious for a while.”

“Blood pressure drop. I have syncope. Like when I almost passed out earlier by the fire.”

“What is this syncope? What do I do to stop it forever?”

I shake my head as Mol looks distressed. “It’s not really something you can stop. Stress, not enough salt or water or food, especially before physical activity. It’s only dangerous if I fall and hurt myself somehow.”

“Then, you will not fall. I will never leave you alone and you will eat and drink and have salt. I will make sure every day, I will keep track. This syncope made me want to die. Or kill someone.”

“It’s okay, Daddy, I’m okay. Means you sort of did a very good job.”

I reach down under the heavy blankets and hides, and scratch at my inner thigh. Flakes of thick cum are dried from my tits to my toes and still sticky on the bedding under me.

“I made a mess because of you.”

“Maybe…” I look around. “Do you have some fresh water? I saw your water tower, maybe a wet towel or a shower?”

“Orcs do not shower.” Mol growls as I tilt my head on a squint.

“Uhhh, well, so…I mean, you smell pretty good. Like sexy orc scent. You don’t shower? Ever?”

“Baths. Or swimming. I will give you a bath.”

He stands, the mattress shifting under me and my head spins, excitement sending goosebumps erupting over my skin. “You have a bath tub? Like, a warm, hot, sink down inside, bathtub?”

“Yes. Hot water from the fireplace heats the water. Come, I will give you a bath, soothe the damage raw fucking your virgin cunt has done. There will be more, now that I know I did not kill you. I will try to take care of you, but I want to try all the positions. Rutting into you on all fours is next, I think. Daddy needs to fuck again soon.”

He scoops me up, blankets and all as I giggle and he walks us through a doorway into what is a primitive washroom. It’s got all the amenities, but just on steroids.

“I’m going to need like a potty-training seat for that or I’ll fall in.”

Mol shoots me a look, then glances at the commode on a nod. “That would be bad. I will fix for you. But, first, we will take a bath.”

“I love baths.” I moan, heat and steam rising from the wooden tub recessed into the ground. “I’ve missed them so much.”

Tags: Dani Wyatt Paranormal