Page 2 of Daddy's Orders

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Mabel hated the idea that other people might think she was incapable. It’s not that shelovedliving like this. But it was important that people knew that shecouldlive like this. She was strong. In charge.

Haze looked around the dank, dark shack, and tutted. “The nights are getting colder, Mabel. I know you’re a tough cookie, but you’re not exactly Bear Grylls. You need some home comforts around you. And…” His eyes trailed down Mabel’s outfit. From her crown, down to her red robe, to the torn and muddy overalls beneath. “I think you need a job, Mabel. I’m here to provide you with the basics, but you need to earn your keep.”

Mabel frowned. “I do plenty around here. I taught Winter how to kill a rattlesnake with her bare hands yesterday. And I took Billie and June foraging for mushrooms last week.”

“You did more than that,” said Haze. “You had them eating pill bugs.”

“Well, it was a double-dare,” said Mabel solemnly. “And youhaveto honor a double-dare.”

“Billie had a stomach ache for three days.”

“That wasn’t from the pill bugs! I boiled them up and made pancakes with them. They were delicious. You know, pill bugs are actually crustaceans. I call themland shrimps, because they taste—”

Haze raised a hand. “I don’t want to hear about it,” said Haze. “I’m just glad my Little Winter didn’t go on that expedition with you. She’d still be having nightmares about it.”

Mabel kept her jaw clamped shut. She knew for a fact that Winter would have eaten the pill bug pancakes. She would have loved them! Winter was less scared of creepy-crawlies than any of the other Littles here. Anyway, Billie and June hadn’treallyeaten the bugs. They just bravely chewed a bit of pancake that looked the least crunchy. Mabel was the one who devoured the rest. And very yummy her land-shrimpy breakfast was too.

“Anyway,” said Haze. “I did not come here to discuss eating bugs.” He took a step forward, and his sky blue loafers knocked over at least half a dozen toy soldiers.

Mabel gasped. “Put those brave men back immediately!”

Haze looked at her warily. “Mabel,” he said slowly. “How long is it since you last had a Daddy to take care of you?”

Mabel rolled her eyes. “I don’t need a Daddy. I don’t need anyone.” She looked down at the toy soldiers. “I hope you’re not trying to distract me from the fact you just knocked over my royal guard.”

Haze paused a moment, then bent down to pick up her soldiers. It always gave Mabel a kick when she managed to order the Daddy Doms around. There was something intensely satisfying about seeing a dominating man crouch on his knees before her.

“These things look ancient,” said Haze, holding one of the faded plastic figurines up to the light.

Mabel snatched the figurine off him. “That’s one of my minions,” said Mabel matter-of-factly. “And actually, we’re about to make a movie together.”

“You and your minions are making a movie?”

“Yes. We’re going to call it…Minions. No, wait. That’s been done. We’ll call itQueen Mabel the Magnificent. Seems better it’s named after me anyway, and—”

“Mabel,” Haze cut in, his voice deep and strangely foreboding. “The fact is, I’ve found you a job.”

Mabel took a step back. “I have a job already. I’m… Mabel.”

Haze sighed.

Mabel could tell that she was testing his patience, but she didn’t care. She didn’t like the way Haze was trying to meddle in her life. She was… happy with things the way they were. Sure, her home could use a little TLC. She couldn’t afford to eat nice food like everyone else in the town. And her sleeping bag did have a few spots of mold appearing on the lining. But all this stuff kept life interesting. People who lived their cozy lives with everything they ever wanted were just kind of… dull, weren’t they? She didn’t want everything handed to her on a silver platter. She wanted adventure. Excitement. Freedom.

“Everyone in Liberty pulls their weight. That’s the way it is,” said Haze firmly. “You’re the only new resident in town who hasn’t found work yet. And frankly, Mabel, you need it. Winters in the Texan mountains can be hard, you know. It’s not all fun and frolics and pill bug pancakes.”

Mabel snorted. “I’m not interested. Jobs are a form of entrapment. I’m nobody’s slave.”

She hoped that didn’t sound too harsh. She didn’treallysee work as a form of slavery. She knew enough about the world to know that real slavery was a terrible thing, not to be taken lightly. But the sentiment was true. She didn’t want anyone controlling her. Making decisions for her. Not in the workplace — and not in her love life either, come to mention it.

“How will you eat over winter? There’s not much to forage once the cold sets in.”

“Not true. There’s purple deadnettle. Field garlic. Velvet foot mushrooms. They have a layer of mucus, but it completely washes off, and they’re surprisingly tasty when you—”

“I don’t buy it,” says Haze. “You can’t live off that stuff alone. You’ll get sick.”

“I’ve done this all my life,” Mabel said moodily. “I’m afreegan.”

Haze looked at her, confused. “What are you talking about? You’re a vegan?”

Tags: Lucky Moon Erotic