Page 52 of Secret Santa

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He turned back to his house, and seeing the place lit up with all the Christmas lights warmed him. He’d also left all the lights on in the kitchen and living room, making the place practically glow in the snow light. The place was massive. Too big for just him and two dogs.

His parents had always hoped to fill up the five bedrooms with children. They’d suffered multiple miscarriages after his birth. Then his mother’s cancer had been discovered.

His eyes grew damp as he looked up at the home, but he laughed when Squiggy dropped a huge log in front of him.

“Want to play fetch?” he asked the dogs, who danced around his feet happily.

After a half hour of playing with the dogs, he headed back inside. He’d accidentally forgotten his cell phone inside and now saw many messages from Kara. He punched her phone number instead of reading each one.

“Hey,” he said when she answered.

“Are you okay?” she asked, sounding worried.

“Yeah, I was just outside playing with the dogs. You?”

“We’re on the news.”

“Yeah, I saw.” He glanced towards the still-muted television.

Kara was quiet for a moment. “Is… is it too late for us to head over there? I’ve just realized I don’t really want to be alone. Not when whoever did this is still out there.”

He smiled. “I’ll come get you.”

“No, I can drive. I’ll need my truck for the morning trip to see Liz. We’ll be over in a few minutes.”

He stood in the kitchen, his eyes glued to her place. He watched as lights flickered on, then off. He saw her truck start and watched as it traveled all the way to him.

He was standing on the front porch with the dogs, waiting for her. Lenny and Squiggy liked Oliver, and they happily greeted the older dog, who walked into the house as if he owned the place.

Kara laughed. “Oliver thinks he owns the world.”

Nick smiled and took her overnight bag from her hands. “Have you eaten?” he asked. She shook her head. “I was about to make some soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.”

“I can help,” she offered.

He set her bag at the base of the stairs and then wrapped his arms around her. “I’m glad you’re here,” he said into her hair. He could smell the fresh shower on her, and her hair was still a little damp.

He felt her shiver slightly as she held onto him.

“We got lucky today,” she said against his chest.

“Yes, we did.”


“Hm?” He closed his eyes and tried to hold onto the moment.

“We can eat. After.” She pulled back and looked into his eyes. “Take me upstairs. I need to feel alive. I need to be with you.” She took his hand in hers.

Everything inside of him pulsed and slanted. Suddenly, his world shifted until its axis was here. Right before him. Whatever happened to him, or the ranch, no longer mattered. She was the center of his world. The center of his universe.

In one quick motion, he lifted her into his arms and carried her up the stairs. When he laid her down gently on the bed, he knew that this was his chance to show her exactly how he felt. Even if she didn’t return the words, he had this chance to show her.

“Nick?” Kara said softly as he slowly removed her clothes. When he didn’t respond, she took his face in her hands.

He could see what she wanted to say. Could see it there in her eyes. He didn’t need the words. Didn’t need to hear them. He got the feeling that she wasn’t ready to admit to herself how she felt about him. So, not giving her a chance, he covered her mouth with his and showed her everything they could be together.

This time when the words slipped from his lips, Kara didn’t jerk away or tense. Instead, she melted against him as he held onto her, as if they had to cram a lifetime together into one night.

Tags: Jill Sanders Romance