Page 63 of The Joy of Us

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“Well I’m up for the challenge,” she states, and I wonder if she realizes she’s been my biggest challenge to figure out.

I tell Dasher to stay and leave the truck running for him so he can enjoy the heat.

Inside the shop is complete chaos. The line of people buying last-minute wooden carved gifts is out the door. Mom gives me a quick wave as Fallon follows me to the gift-wrapping station.

After we make it through the crowd, I find Lucy wearing a candy cane apron with scissors, tape, and ribbon stuffed in the front pockets.

“There’s the woman of the hour,” she says as soon as Fallon comes into sight.

“Please don’t give her a hard time,” I warn, and Lucy snorts.

“We’ll be besties by the end of the day.” Lucy grins, wrapping her arm around Fallon, and then leading her behind the long table.

Fallon turns and looks at me like a deer in the headlights.

“I’ll be back to pick you up after lunch, so try to survive until then.”

“We’ll take good care of her,” Lucy says, waving me away.

Fallon’s face cracks into a smile, and I know she’ll do just fine, even if Lucy forces her to wear an apron just like hers.

“Watch those two, please?” I tell my mom as I walk past the counter and out the door.

Dasher wags his tail when he sees me, and I pet his head when I get in.

“Ready for our adventure?”

He tries to lick me as I put the truck in drive. I head across the property toward one of the barns where the horses are kept for the sleigh rides. It’s been something the farm has done for over a century, and our patrons enjoy it.

As I walk into the barn with Dasher trotting beside me, I find Darrell brushing one of the horses. He’s worked here for over a decade and knows his way around the farm.

“Hey, Levi. How’s it going?” He secures a blanket on one of the horses. When the temperatures drop, we make sure to put these on the animals to help regulate their temperature.

“No complaints. I’m alive and well,” I say truthfully.

He gives me a nod. “Good to hear. What can I help you with?”

“I was thinking about taking Fallon on a sleigh ride.”

“It’s a perfect day for that. I can get the horses ready, if you’d like.”

“That would be amazing. I have a few things I need to take care of first, but I’d just need them ready for right after lunch.”

“Will do.”

I thank him before heading back to my truck. Dasher hops in, and then we make my way across the property. Since the countdown to Christmas has officially begun, I drive to the loading dock and offer an extra hand. All day long, these guys are wrapping, loading, and tying trees up for our customers.

A line of trucks is waiting when I arrive. Dasher follows me around as I help lift and strap down trees to roofs. It’s nonstop, and many are thankful for the extra help.

“Honestly, I didn't think it would be this busy today,” Samuel, one of our seasonal helpers, admits. It’s his first year working on the farm, so he’s not fully accustomed.

I laugh. “Oh, just wait until next week. This is nothing.”

His eyes are as wide as saucers. “You’re kidding, right?”

I give him a hard pat on the back. “Not at all. You get used to it, though.”

Once the crowd finally clears, I check my watch, then decide to leave now that they’re in a better place. I head straight home to get everything ready for my surprise. As soon as I walk inside, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I expect to see a text asking me to come back and help. However, it’s Finn.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Romance