Page 108 of The Joy of Us

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Finally, tires squeal and I see my truck approaching. “Let's go, baby.”

“No speeding,” Oakley demands.

Yeah, right.

Finn helps me get her into the passenger side and once Fallon's secure, I rush around to the other side.

“Keep us updated!” Oakley shouts, and I nod.

Once I'm buckled, I gun it out of there.


Four Hours Later

“Nicholas Kane White, you stubborn little boy.” I rub the pad of my thumb over his chubby cheek and smile at the beautiful baby they claim is mine. How the hell I pushed out a ten-pounder is beyond me, but thank God for painkillers. He was so big that his head got stuck, and the doctor had to use forceps to pull him out.

I'm pretty sure I'm never having sex again.

“So when can we make another?” Levi asks as if he didn't just watch my vagina stretch out to accommodate a human head.

I shoot him a murderous glare.

“What? He needs a sister.” He smirks.

“Dasher and Rudy already keep us plenty busy. Now, it's gonna be three against two,” I tell him. A few months ago, we added a golden retriever puppy to the chaos. We hoped it’d help Dasher get acquainted with having a baby around and they play-wrestle all day, but I’m constantly tripping over the toys they leave out.

“We'll figure it out, my love. What's life without a little chaos?”

I chuckle, hoping I can handle it all. Ever since I moved here, I’ve taken on some freelance work, but I stopped a few months ago when the new puppy started taking up more of my time. Now I just help at the farm's gift shop when they need an extra hand.

“Finn and Oakley are here,” I tell her.

“They left the reception?”

“Yeah, they couldn't wait to meet him.”

“Aw. Well, tell them to come in, then.”

Five minutes later, the bride and groom enter.

“He's so cute,” Oakley gushes when she gets a good look at him. “Look at his chunky face.”

“Looks just like Levi,” Finn teases.

“He's going to be a strong lumberjack like his daddy,” I say, smiling.

They take turns holding him, rocking him in the chair next to my bed. Oakley tells us about the reception and how they left after their first dance so they could be here.

“I hope you go back and enjoy your special day,” I tell her.

“Don't worry, we will. I won't be drinking but—” Her hand flies to her mouth and my jaw drops.

“You're pregnant, aren't you?”

Her cheeks flush and I know without a doubt, that's a yes.

“We just found out,” she quickly adds.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Romance