Page 7 of Soul Bound

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“I’m sure it will all work out,” Josh said. “I’ve got a couple of things to do for Aaron, so I’ll be back soon to take you to the meeting.”

An hour or so later, Josh returned and led them back along the hallway to the main atrium. He then deviated off in the opposite direction that they had come in and ushered them into a large room before leaving them to go and let his brother know they were ready to see him.

Marshall was surprised to see several couches and armchairs set around the room. There was a bookshelf in one corner and a flat-screen television mounted on the wall. On the opposite side of the room, there was a long table and what looked like serving buffets sitting under the windows that looked out over another immaculate garden. It was a well-lived-in room, and he’d been expecting a board or conference-type room. He had to admit, this did make him feel slightly better, and that feeling of home settled through him again.

A tingle ran down Marshall’s spine, and a low-level itch started under his skin. He twitched and tried discreetly to shake it off. This was something new, and he really didn’t need it right now, not when he was about to meet the West Mill Pack Alpha.

A muscle spasm shot through his hips and down his leg, and he could not hide the gasp of pain. Saint was immediately at his side, concern bleeding off him. “I’m okay,” Marshall told him in a low voice. “Just a muscle spasm from sitting too long.”

Saint didn’t look convinced, but he stepped back as the door opened, and Anna and a gray-haired man entered the room. Anna gave them a smile as she introduced her husband, Vaughn. The former alpha greeted them both with a firm handshake.

“Aaron and Josh will be here in a moment. Sam was giving him a quick check-up and taking some bloods,” Anna told them as she settled onto one of the couches.

“I’m sure that boy is part vampire, with the amount of blood-letting he does,” Vaughn said with a chuckle.

“Actually, I had a great-uncle who was a vampire, but he married into the family, so no genes in that regard,” Sam told them cheerfully as he came into the room. “How are you feeling, Marshall?”

“I’m okay.”

“He just had a muscle spasm, and he’s started twitching,” Saint told the doctor, pointedly ignoring Marshall’s glare.

“Twitching?” Sam strode over, running a practiced eye over Marshall, who sighed in resignation.

“It’s just an itch that’s buzzing under my skin.”

“And you’ve not had this before?”

Marshall shook his head. “No, it’s something new.”

“Okay, as soon as this is over, I’ll get onto your blood work and see if I can see anything new from your last tests. Your doctor emailed your file earlier, but I haven’t had a chance to go through it in detail yet.”

“Thanks, Doc,” Marshall told him with a smile.

There was a noise by the door, and Marshall looked up to see Josh and another man who had similar features entering. The other man leaned heavily on a cane, and his skin didn’t have the healthy glow of his brother, instead he looked pale and drawn. Amber eyes flashed in his direction, and warmth flooded through Marshall that increased to a heat he’d never experienced before.

A fine sweat broke out on Marshall’s skin, and the low-level itch increased. His stomach churned with nausea, and a buzzing set up in his ears. He started to sway, and he felt Saint’s strong grip on his waist. From across the room came a growl as light flashed behind Marshall’s eyes, and the last thing he heard was Saint’s voice calling his name.

Chapter 3

Aaroncouldheararhythmic beeping as consciousness crept in. His brain recognized the sound as a good sound, but it took a moment to place it as the heart rate monitor in the clinic. The familiar scent of his mother overlaid the disinfectant smell of the room. There was another scent though, one he wasn’t familiar with, almost a spicy toffee scent if there was such a thing.

He could feel the tight grip of his mother’s fingers, and he gave them a squeeze.

“Aaron? Honey, are you awake?”

Cracking his eyes open just enough to see her, he gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile. “Yeah, Mom.”

“Oh, thank goodness. You gave us a bit of a fright, Son.”

“What happened?” he asked, his voice cracking with dryness.

“Here, Sam said you could sip on some water when you woke up,” Anna told him as she held a small tumbler of water, a straw poking out the top.

Aaron took a small drink, the cool water feeling like nectar on his parched throat. “Thanks. What happened?” he asked again.

“What do you remember?” Vaughn asked, his hand resting gently on his son’s foot at the end of the bed.

“Josh and I walked into the family room. I saw our guests, and then my wolf surged, and I got a flash of light behind my eyes, and then, here,” he said, waving a hand at the clinic room.

Tags: Zoe Piper Romance