Page 5 of Soul Bound

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Like the bear shifter had said, it had started out as nothing, just an ache here and there like he’d done an intense workout. Then he’d started waking up feeling hungover but hadn’t been drinking the night before. In fact, he’d stopped drinking altogether, and his appetite had waned to almost nothing. Protein shakes, and light meals had replaced his previously healthy and substantial meals.

He’d seen several doctors and specialists, and had every test known to mankind, and still, the professionals didn’t know what was wrong with him. His mother had even convinced him to try some alternative remedies, but to no avail.

So, yeah, while making a snap decision to go with an unknown doctor to have more tests done may sound crazy, even to him, the fact that there was someone else out there suffering like he was gave him the first kernel of hope in a long time.

“You realize this may be just another wild goose chase?” Saint said after they’d farewelled the doctor and were slowly making their way back to the office.

“I do, but, shit Saint, what have I got to lose?”

Saint didn’t reply, but Marshall didn’t miss the pained look that crossed his best friend’s face. He draped his arm around Saint’s waist, offering comfort as best he could. Saint’s hand squeezed his shoulder in reply.

Chapter 2

Marshallshiftedhispositionin the passenger seat of Saint’s SUV, but despite the luxury of the vehicle, he couldn’t get comfortable. Not an uncommon occurrence these days, and he was glad when he saw the doctor indicate a left turn ahead of them.

They moved off the main highway from the city, and Marshall took in the semi-rural surroundings as they crossed the town line into Bakersfield. There was a mix of homes that gradually thinned out to more open pastures and farmland. After about fifteen minutes, they were traveling down the town’s main street, which boasted a variety of shops and businesses that appeared to be thriving.

“How much further, do you think?” Marshall asked.

“The doc mentioned something about a converted warehouse,” Saint replied. “That looks like it could be it.”

Marshall saw what Saint was nodding towards. A large, red-bricked building was just ahead. It looked about three stories high, with large arched windows across the front reflecting the early spring blue sky.

They slowly pulled into the parking lot in front of the building and took in their surroundings. Beautifully manicured lawns and well-kept garden beds flanked each side of the paved area, and the driveway snaked around either side of the building, leading to who knew where.

Sam exited his vehicle and gave them a wide grin. Marshall liked the doctor, his gut telling him the bear shifter was good people. He hoped it boded well for the others in the Pack. Marshall opened his door and grasped his cane as he eased out of the SUV. Saint came around the front and joined him.

“What do you think?” Marshall asked quietly.

“Smells good,” Saint replied as he scented the air, “but I’ll know more once we get inside.”

They made their way over to where Sam was waiting.

“How are you feeling, Marshall?” the doctor asked, running an assessing eye over him.

“Yeah, about normal, or at least what passes for normal these days. Glad to be out of the car, though.”

“Leave your bags for now. We’ll head inside, and before I introduce you to Aaron and the rest of the Pack, I’d like to get some blood from you.”

“Of course you do,” Marshall said with a sigh, but he smiled so the doc would know he didn’t really mind.

“Samuel Collier, why are you not bringing your guests inside?” The stern voice belonged to an older woman striding down the steps from the main entrance.

“I am bringing them inside, Anna,” Sam replied, rolling his eyes. “We just got here.”

The woman hummed as she reached them and held out a hand. “Welcome to the West Mill Pack. I’m Anna West,” she said warmly. She was an attractive woman in her early fifties, and she eyed him keenly as they shook hands.

“Marshall Cavendish and this is my best friend and business partner, Saint Sinclair,” Marshall replied with a smile of his own. He felt something inside him settle, an easing of tension as he returned her warm grip.

“Anna is our Pack Mother,” Sam explained.

Marshall frowned at the title. “I’m not really up on pack dynamics, but I’ve never heard of a Pack Mother before.”

“Oh, it’s not an official pack thing, just this one. When my husband stepped down as Alpha, my official role as Alpha-Mate also ended, but as my son is not mated, I have retained many of the duties involved. So these brats named me Pack Mother,” Anna explained, amusement shining in her amber eyes.

“Now, let’s get you inside. If you’re suffering similar symptoms to my Aaron, then you’ll be tired and want to rest before you meet everyone.” A flash of worry crossed her features as she gently took Marshall’s arm.

“I want to take some blood first, Anna,” Sam said.

Tags: Zoe Piper Romance