Page 44 of Soul Bound

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“Mmm, do that again,” Marshall said in a husky whisper. Aaron grinned against his lips and did it again.

“That’s a nice way to wake up,” Marshall said.

“We’ll have to look into making it a habit then,” Aaron said. He was happy to see that Marshall wasn’t as pale, and the shadows under his eyes seemed fainter. “Sam’s here. He wants to check you out. How are you feeling?”

Marshall rolled onto his back, and Aaron immediately missed the contact between them. He watched as Marshall did a quick inventory. He stretched, and Aaron watched as his stomach muscles flexed as he pulled himself into a sitting position.

A knock came at the door, and Sam poked his head around. “All okay in here?”

“Hey, Doc,” Marshall greeted him.

“Hey, Marshall. Saint told me that your symptoms have been worse in the last twenty-four hours. Can you tell me what happened?”

Marshall leaned against the headboard, his hand reaching for Aaron’s.

“I was okayish the first couple of hours. I felt a little nauseated, but nothing too bad. Early afternoon I got a headache, and the nausea got worse. Then that night, I hardly slept as the joint pain came back. It was ten times worse than I’ve ever experienced.”

A wave of distress went through Aaron at the thought of his mate being in pain. He tightened his grip on Marshall’s hand and got a smile in return.

“Why didn’t you come back yesterday like planned?” he asked.

“Like I told you when I rang, my aunt has been out of town, and she was coming back yesterday afternoon, so it made sense to stay and get the information from her before coming back.”

“You should have come back as soon as you felt worse,” Aaron admonished. “We could have sent any of the Pack members to get the information.”

“Yeah, well, hindsight and all that.” Marshall peeked at him through thick lashes, and Aaron was not unmoved by the sexy sight. “It just seemed easier and quicker at the time.”

A wave of tiredness washed through Aaron, and he groaned softly as he laid his head back against the headboard.

“Aaron, what’s wrong?” Marshall asked worriedly.

“Aaron, tell me what’s happening?” Sam demanded, taking Aaron’s wrist in his hand and measuring his pulse.

“So tired and dizzy.”

“When did this come on?” Marshall asked, and Aaron felt the gentle warmth of Marshall’s touch as he stroked his forearm.

“Only since I woke up. I’ve been lethargic and had a low-level headache since you left, but nothing I couldn’t handle.”

He thought he heard Sam mutter something about being grumpy and Marshall’s quiet chuckle but didn’t have the energy to comment.

“Aaron, how’s your wolf feeling?” Sam asked.

“He’s….” Aaron started to say his wolf was fine but broke off when he realized he could hardly feel his other half.

“Aaron. What is it?” Sam sounded concerned.

“He’s barely conscious. I can hardly feel him at all.” Aaron opened his eyes to stare at Sam. “What’s wrong with my wolf?”

Chapter 12

Marshallclenchedhisfistsin frustration. He wanted to pace but didn’t have the energy. Instead, he had to make do with tapping his foot as he sat on the edge of the bed next to Aaron. He eyed his mate, noting how drawn he looked. His skin had a gray pallor, and there were shadows beneath his eyes.

Sam was tapping away on his tablet as they waited for Alice and Darcy to get to them. Sam had determined that whatever was wrong with Aaron’s wolf was tied to the soul bond and out of the realms of his knowledge. Josh had been dispatched to get the witches, and all Marshall and Aaron could do now was wait.

Marshall was kicking himself for not coming back earlier. He’d felt ill ever since he’d left the pack house, but his inherent stubbornness had made him stay in Stone City for an extra night. He honestly hadn’t thought that Aaron might suffer as well. Although, from what he’d said, he hadn’t been as bad as Marshall had been until Marshall had returned.

A commotion in the adjoining sitting room had Marshall levering to his feet. He was relieved when Alice appeared in the doorway, Darcy hovering closely behind her.

Tags: Zoe Piper Romance