Page 42 of Soul Bound

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“Think you can make it to the bed?”

Marshall lifted his head, and Aaron grinned at the eyebrow that was raised at him.

“I figure you’ll be more comfortable if you’re lying down, and as comfy as this couch is, it’s not made for two large men to stretch out on for any length of time.”

“Yeah, okay then.” Marshall allowed Aaron to ease him upright and onto his feet. Together they shuffled into Aaron’s bedroom, and Marshall took in the heavy wood furniture and accented blue and cream furnishings. It could have been a depressing room, but the sun streamed through the large, arched windows, filling the room with brightness.

Aaron guided him to the bed, and he sat with a sigh. Even the few feet from the living area to here had wiped him out. This was definitely the worst he’d ever been, and although he didn’t want to see Sam, he thought maybe he would have to call the good doctor if things didn’t settle soon.

He eyed the top of Aaron’s head as he undid Marshall’s boots and slipped them off. Amber eyes met his, and although he was feeling as far from sexy as he could be, he couldn’t help but smirk. To his credit, Aaron rolled his eyes and gently shoved at his shoulder.

“Lie down, mate of mine. You’re in no state to even entertain that thought.”

Marshall lifted his legs and stretched out, taking in Aaron’s scent that lingered on the pillow.

“Am I on your side of the bed?” he asked, as he watched Aaron slip off his own shoes and move around the bed to lie next to him.

“No. I don’t have a side,” Aaron replied. He tugged Marshall closer and tucked him into his side. Marshall gave a groan as heat licked through him. Aaron ran a tentative hand down his back, soothing him, and slowly the tension seeped from Marshall’s muscles.

“Let me guess, you’re a bed hog?” Marshall said.

“Not at all. I just like to utilize the whole mattress.”

Marshall chuckled and tucked closer into the Alpha’s heat. His fingers edged under Aaron’s t-shirt that had ridden up. Aaron’s breath hitched, but he didn’t stop Marshall’s wandering fingers.

Marshall’s fingers tingled as he continued to stroke the smooth skin of Aaron’s waist, but it was a good tingle. Warmth slowly edged up his hand and further up his arm. A sudden urge to feel more of Aaron waved through him.

“What’s wrong?” Aaron’s husky voice broke the quiet.

“I want….” he swallowed as need flushed through him. Aaron’s large hand cradled his jaw, tilting his head back to look at him searchingly.

“What do you want, Marshall?”

“To touch you. To be closer.”

Aaron gave him a considering look before nodding. He pulled at Marshall’s shirt and tugged it over his head. Aaron then sat up and did the same with his own, throwing both toward the end of the bed.

“My wolf is demanding skin-on-skin,” he said as he pulled Marshall tightly into his chest. Marshall gasped as their skin made contact. Lights flickered behind his eyes, and he tightened his grip on Aaron. He buried his face into Aaron’s neck and inhaled deeply, dragging the earthy scent of the shifter into his lungs.

“Shh, you’re okay, we’ve got you,” Aaron soothed softly, his hand making broad sweeps from the nape of Marshall’s neck along his spine to the waistband of his jeans before sweeping back up again.

Slowly, Marshall relaxed, and for the first time since he’d left the pack house two days ago, his nausea abated, and the headache that had plagued him eased from pounding to a low-level throb.

“Sleep, Marshall. We’ll be here when you wake up,” Aaron murmured, and Marshall finally drifted off to sleep.

Aaron jerked awake as he sensed someone moving about in the living area of his suite. Marshall twitched and whimpered next to him and reflex had him pulling his mate closer as he scented the air. His brother’s familiar scent carried through to him, and he relaxed.

“Aaron,” his brother whispered from just outside the door.

“Coming,” he whispered back, not wanting to disturb the man snuggled into him. He pressed a kiss to the top of Marshall’s head and carefully eased away.

As he pushed to his feet, a dizzy spell hit him, and he swayed. Taking a couple of deep breaths, he steadied himself and then made his way out to his brother.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, shuffling over to the couch. He needed to sit down. His energy level was completely drained, and he hadn’t felt this bad in a long time.

“Is Marshall okay?” Josh asked, sitting in the chair opposite. He tilted his head as he looked at his brother. “And more to the point, areyouokay?”

“Marshall’s sleeping.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I feel exhausted, but I’ve just spent the last two hours resting.”

Tags: Zoe Piper Romance