Page 40 of Soul Bound

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“The quicker you get strong enough to seal this damn bond, the better,” Aaron growled back.

Marshall held out his hand, and Aaron let himself be pulled upright. Their chests brushed as Marshall snaked an arm around Aaron’s waist.

“Walk me back to my room?”

Aaron brushed his lips against Marshall’s. “Of course.”

They ambled slowly down the corridor, arms around each other’s waists. When they reached Marshall’s room, Aaron reluctantly let go.

“What time are you leaving in the morning?”

“Probably after breakfast. There’s no rush. The class Saint is running isn’t until five o’clock, so we have time to go to the lab and see Sam’s friend before heading to the gym.”

Aaron ran his nose along Marshall’s throat, inhaling his scent. “Wish I could come with you,” he murmured.

“You said you had an all-day meeting.”

“I do,” Aaron sighed. He pressed small kisses up Marshall’s throat to his mouth.

A few minutes later, Marshall broke their kiss before it got too heated.

“I’d love for you to come with me, but I’ll be back before you know it. I’ll be gone less than twenty-four hours.”

“I know. I’m going to get Josh to clear my schedule for the next week.”

Marshall pressed a quick kiss to his mouth and gently pushed him away. “Good idea. Now go. I’ll see you at breakfast.”

Aaron reluctantly stepped away, shoving his hands into his jean pockets. “G’night, Marshall.”

“Night, Aaron.”

Aaron slowly walked back towards his apartment, but not before making sure Marshall was safely in his room.Yes, he knew the man wouldn’t come to any harm in the three steps it took to get inside. Yes, he and his wolf were being completely irrational. Bite them!

Chapter 11

Marshallhunchedagainstthedoor of the SUV as another wave of shivers wracked his body. Saint threw him a worried glance as he increased their speed.

“D… don’t get a sp… speeding ticket,” he stammered out before clenching his teeth against the bolt of pain that shot through his leg. Dammit, he hadn’t thought that being away from Aaron for two days would have this effect on him.

“Fuck a speeding ticket. You’re sick. Worse than I’ve ever seen you,” Saint growled. “I’m calling the Doc so he can be ready for when you arrive.”

“Don’t need Doc. Just need Aaron.” The last words came out as a whisper.

Marshall closed his eyes against the speeding landscape. It was adding to his nausea. To distract himself, he focused on Aaron and the feel of his arms around him. Despite being as worn down as Marshall was, there was still an undeniable strength in the wolf shifter.

“Nearly there,” Saint said as he pulled off the Main Street of Bakersfield. Marshall huffed in reply, concentrating on his breathing. He really didn’t want to throw up.

Saint brought the SUV to a screeching halt in front of the pack house. The old mill shone in the early afternoon sun, but Marshall didn’t have the energy to appreciate it.

He fumbled with his seat belt and all but fell out of the car as Saint wrenched the door open.

“I’ve got you.” Saint slung his arm around Marshall’s waist and all but lifted him out onto the gravel driveway. “Can you walk, or should I carry you?”

Marshall mustered enough strength to give his oldest friend the dirtiest look he could. Saint grinned in return. “There he is. The CO I know and love.”

Together, they stumbled their way across the lot to the door. As they got closer, the sense of home seeped into Marshall, as if the soul bond knew Aaron was close.

The door flew open, and a pissed-off panther in the form of Rafe greeted them.

Tags: Zoe Piper Romance