Page 39 of Soul Bound

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“So, I’ve got a month to get up to speed?”

Marshall leaned over and kissed Aaron’s cheek. “Well done, Alpha. You’re learning to compromise already.”

Aaron mock growled, which had Marshall and the others laughing. With a mutter, he pressed play on the remote, and Marshall relaxed next to him, feeling at home.

Aaron reluctantly nudged the sleeping man next to him. Marshall had dozed off halfway through the last episode ofRandall’s Quest. Saint and the twins had left before they’d started the episode. They, along with Marshall, had teased Aaron whenever he questioned something on the screen.

He had done the same when all four of them unconsciously sighed when one character had removed his shirt. The baleful looks he’d gotten in return had made him laugh, although quietly, he could appreciate the six-pack the actor had. Not that it compared to what he’d seen of Marshall’s earlier in the day in the pool.

The man was obviously lacking in muscle mass, but there was still a defined edge to his stomach muscles, and Aaron had longed to follow the rivulets of water with his tongue as they dripped down Marshall’s tanned skin.

Instead of waking, Marshall snuggled in closer, his nose burying itself in the crook of Aaron’s neck and snaked an arm around Aaron’s waist and twisted to get closer.

Aaron’s body reacted. He pulled Marshall a little closer and inhaled the spicy toffee scent that was his mate. He stroked a knuckle down Marshall’s stubbled cheek. Marshall leaned into the touch and flung his thigh over Aaron’s, his knee resting temptingly close to Aaron’s cock. Aaron wanted nothing more than to adjust his hips so he could rub against Marshall, but he was frightened of what might happen to Marshall if he did.

He inched his body in the opposite direction as he pressed a kiss to Marshall’s forehead.

“Hey, Marshall. You need to wake up.”


“It’s late. You need to head back to your room before I have a pissed-off tiger coming after me.”

“Fuck Saint,” came Marshall’s muffled reply. He inhaled deeply. “Mmm, you smell good.”

Aaron chuckled. “No thanks, Saint’s not my type.”

“What is your type?” Marshall lifted his head, and Aaron liked the sleep-rumpled look.

“Never really had one. But now, I’m finding I’m partial to dark-haired, sleepy humans with emerald eyes.”

Without conscious thought, their mouths met in a slow kiss. Aaron’s blood fizzed at the contact as he slid his tongue next to Marshall’s. He really couldn’t wait to taste every inch of his mate.

Marshall pushed Aaron back on the couch and slid on top of him, increasing the intensity of their kiss.

With a moan, Aaron pulled Marshall closer and slid his hand under the other man’s t-shirt, tracing his fingers over the smooth, warm skin.

Marshall whimpered and tensed. Aaron froze and gently pulled away.

“Pain or pleasure?”

Marshall dropped his head onto Aaron’s shoulder, taking deep, calming breaths. “Pain.”

Aaron lay still until Marshall relaxed. A warm kiss pressed against his throat before Marshall pushed himself upright and sat on the edge of the couch.

“I’m so sick of this,” he ground out, rubbing a hand over his face.

“Hey, it’s okay. It’s better than it was this morning, and it’ll be better again tomorrow. Your body is adjusting to the soul bond.”

“But why don’t you have the same reactions?”

“I think it’s because of my wolf. He and I are both absorbing the bond, and it’s a bond usually between shifters. This is all new for your body, and it’s reacting the only way it knows how.”

“Yeah, well, it sucks,” Marshall replied, flashing him a smirk. “And not in the good way.”

Aaron growled and adjusted himself. “Don’t! I’m already worked up enough without thoughts of you on your knees in front of me.”

“Who said I’d be on my knees, Alpha?” Marshall taunted as he stood. He looked down to where Aaron was sitting on the couch. “You look mighty good from this angle.”

Tags: Zoe Piper Romance