Page 37 of Soul Bound

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“Took you long enough to figure that out,” he said.

“I’ll admit I had some help,” Aaron replied ruefully, with a small smile.

Marshall thought for a second. “Your mother?” he guessed.

“Yep,” Aaron said, popping the ‘p’.

“Not a woman to be trifled with.”

Aaron huffed a laugh and shook his head. His gaze met Marshall’s. “I really am sorry. I let my instincts override my rational brain.”

“Apology accepted. This time. I’ve worked with enough shifters to know when their animals are riding them, but if we are to be mated, your wolf will have to learn that sometimes I’m the Alpha in the relationship. He doesn’t get to call the shots all the time.”

“Agreed. We’ll work on it, and I’m sure things will be easier once the soul bond is sealed.”

Marshall slid his hand up Aaron’s calf, caressing the thick muscle. A tremor ran through Aaron, and he hissed before moving restlessly on the tile. The knuckles on his hands showed white as he gripped the edge of the pool. For a second, Marshall thought he had hurt him, before he realized he was at eye level with Aaron’s crotch, and the man’s pants were doing little to hide his reaction.

Heat pooled in Marshall’s belly, and he smirked as he slowly raised his eyes. He grabbed Aaron’s other ankle and traced a thumb around the bone and down to his instep and back up again.

“Not helping, Marshall,” Aaron growled as he fidgeted on the tile.

“Don’t care, Aaron,” he singsonged back. Aaron glowered at him and tried to pull his feet free from Marshall’s grip.

“Er… guys? I really, and I meanreally, hate to interrupt this, but I think you need to get out of the water, Marshall. I need to check your vitals, and you need to get some food into you and rest.“ Sam’s voice echoed around the pool area, pulling both men from the spell weaving around them.

Marshall reluctantly let go of Aaron, but before he could move, the Alpha swooped down and planted a kiss on his mouth. “Later,” he whispered as he pulled away.

Marshall half swam, half walked to the side of the pool where the steps were. In a previous lifetime, he would have been able to pull himself up next to Aaron without a second thought, but not now. Sam’s words had pulled him back to reality, and his body ached. All he wanted was a hot shower and some food. And maybe another make-out session with his mate.

Marshall threw another handful of popcorn into his mouth, trying not to smirk as Aaron growled at the action on the screen.

“Y’know, my opinion of you is rapidly changing,” the Alpha said, pushing Marshall’s hand aside to grab his share of the popcorn. “You mean to tell me you watch this program regularly?”

Marshall laughed at the affronted tone. They were watching a show that had been adapted from a popular young adult book series that, despite Aaron’s protests, was actually very good. The man clearly had no taste.

“Yep. Read all the books, too.”

“But why?” Aaron sounded confused.

“I was injured on deployment and was confined to barracks for about six weeks. I watched a lot of TV and came across this one day. There was something about it I just liked, so I ordered the books and read them first and then watched the rest of the series.” Marshall shrugged. “It’s easy to follow and well-acted.”

Aaron rounded on him. “Which one?” he asked suspiciously.

“Which one, what?”

“Which actor have you got the hots for?”

Marshall grinned widely. “What makes you think I have the hots for one of the actors?”

“No sane grown man—a special forces operative at that—would voluntarily watch this without a reason.” Aaron paused, his eyes narrowing. “Or was it part of your training? How to withstand cruel and unusual punishment?”

“How little you know about me and my Spec Op’s brothers, Aaron. I bet if you call one of the Toxic Twins right now and ask, they will tell you about this show, or one similar to it.”

Aaron’s chin lifted. He and his wolf obviously didn’t like being challenged. He reached over to where his phone was sitting on the end table. He tapped at the screen, his eyes never leaving Marshall’s.

“Yeah, Blake? I need you and Rafe for a second. No, nothing’s wrong. Just need you to confirm something for me.”

Marshall put down his own phone. He’d messaged Saint. He needed backup on this one, and he couldn’t wait to see Aaron’s face when he realized how wrong he was.

Tags: Zoe Piper Romance