Page 36 of Soul Bound

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“About time you got here,” Saint growled.

“Why haven’t you stopped him?” Aaron threw back. What kind of friend was Saint if he let Marshall do this to himself?

The tiger shifter stepped in front of him, chests not quite touching.

“Because one, I’m not an idiot.” Theunlike youhovered unspoken in the air. “And two, when he gets like this, there’s nothing I can do until he’s worked it out of his system.”

“Even if he collapses from exhaustion as a result?” Aaron pushed Saint away, the tiger shifter’s coiled strength apparent under the press of his hand.

Saint growled, and Aaron’s wolf responded, hackles rising and lip curling. Rafe stepped between them.

“This is not helping,” he said, pushing them apart. Saint angrily batted away the panther’s hand, and Rafe gave him a quiet snarl.

“We’re fine, Rafe. Stand down,” Aaron commanded. He didn’t need the felines shifting and taking their frustrations out on each other when he had a stubborn human to sort out.

“Get out of here. I’ll deal with Marshall.”

Saint looked like he was about to protest, but Sam spoke up.

“I need to check him over. Saint, I’ll either bring him back to your suite or I’ll check him into the infirmary. I’ll message you.”

With a curt nod of acknowledgment, Saint strode from the room, deliberately knocking into Rafe’s shoulder as he went. The panther shifter went to follow him, but Aaron stopped him and pointed to the door that led outside. “No. You go that way. I don’t have time to deal with you today. Leave the tiger alone.”

With a glare that would intimidate a lesser man, Rafe stalked outside. It was a good thing the door had an automatic closer, otherwise it would have slammed shut.

“I got this, Sam.”

“Still not leaving, Aaron. I’ll wait by the sauna, but until I’m happy that he’s not going to collapse, I’m not going anywhere.”

Marshall had completed another two laps and was slowly working his way back down the pool toward them. Aaron made his way to the edge of the pool and removed his socks and shoes. Rolling up his pant legs, he sat on the edge and dropped his feet into the tepid water.

Marshall’s stroke faltered slightly, and Aaron tensed, ready to dive in if needed. Marshall ducked under the water for one last stroke, coming to a stop a few feet away from where Aaron was sitting. He stood up, feet planted firmly on the bottom of the pool. He shook his hair out of his face, and Aaron watched, mesmerized, as water ran in rivulets down his chest. Marshall had a smattering of chest hair spread across defined pecs that heaved as Marshall caught his breath.

They stared at each other, and Aaron took in the shadows that had returned to Marshall’s face, and he felt ashamed that he’d been the one to cause them. They’d all but gone earlier, after their kiss in the study. Desire coursed through Aaron as he remembered the taste of his mate and the direction his thoughts had taken earlier. He shifted on the damp tile, trying to discreetly ease the sudden tightness in his pants.

“I’m sorry,” he said, breaking the silence.

Marshall didn’t respond, just folded his arms across his chest and lifted his chin. Aaron could see the former Special Forces CO in the stance, and he bet there weren’t many who had defied him when faced with the look Aaron was receiving now.

Their gazes held for a long moment before Aaron dropped his eyes and focused on the ripples his feet were making as he gently swished his feet in the water. His wolf whined at the show of submission, but Aaron pushed him down. Marshall needed to know he thought of them as equals. He needed to show that he was not trying to be Marshall’s Alpha.

A small surge of water gave away the fact that Marshall had moved before his ankle was firmly gripped. Marshall’s thumb stroked over his instep, and a shiver ran through Aaron.

Aaron raised his head and was met with a hard and flinty gaze. Gone was the warm and welcoming gleam he’d become used to. He reached out to cup Marshall’s face but met empty air as Marshall leaned back out of reach.

Oh. So, he could be touched but not touch back.

He dropped his hand back to the pool edge, fingers curling over the edge of the damp tile.

“I’m sorry,” he repeated. “I should have let you into my office to talk.”

The hand on his ankle flexed, but still, Marshall said nothing. Aaron wracked his brain, trying to think what else he needed to say to make Marshall believe him.

“I know we aren’t mated yet, and that this soul bond is making things difficult, but I’m trying to understand what is going on, too. I have this need to protect and keep you close, but I know you’re more than capable of looking after yourself. I’m fighting my natural instincts as both an Alpha here and your mate. Can we work together? Please?”

Chapter 10

Thequiet,pleadingtonein Aaron’s question released the last of the anger Marshall had.

Tags: Zoe Piper Romance