Page 23 of Soul Bound

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Marshall grabbed at his hand, stopping Aaron from going any further.


“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“It’s fine. You’re fine. I mean….” Marshall stopped and sighed. “I have no problem with you touching me. I got hit with what felt like a flame racing through my body, and it hurt like hell.”

“How the hell are we supposed to seal the soul bond if it hurts you every time we touch?” Aaron said gruffly, running a hand through his hair.

Marshall held up their clasped hands. “But it’s not hurting now.” He smoothed his thumb across the pulse point in Aaron’s wrist. He felt it flutter, and he knew Aaron was as affected as he was. “Maybe more exposure to each other will lessen the effects?”

Amber eyes regarded him keenly, and Marshall saw them flash. “I take it your wolf approves of that suggestion?”

“You have no idea,” Aaron admitted ruefully and chuckled. “He wants to get up close and personal.”

“I’m not averse to the idea,” Marshall told him with a grin of his own.

“We can work with that,” Aaron agreed. He laced their fingers together. “Is this okay?”

Marshall nodded, enjoying the quiet strength in Aaron’s grip. The flash of heat had lowered to a gentle hum under his skin.

“Good. Come on, we’ll head to my office. We can have coffee and rest for a while.”

“Thanks, that sounds good. This has been the most exercise I’ve gotten for a long time.”

Chapter 7

Aaronpushedopenthedoor to his office, grinning at the sight of his brother sitting at the large desk that dominated the room. Josh frowned, making Aaron grin even wider.

“Looks good on you, brother.”

“I’m only sitting here because Davy is messing around with an upgrade on my computer, so it was easier to use yours while he did.”

Aaron led Marshall to the oversized leather couch in one corner of the office. Marshall gave a relieved sigh as he sank down, and Aaron did the same as he joined him. He noticed Josh’s raised eyebrows at their closeness.

“Anything that needs my attention?” Aaron asked, deciding to ignore the questions his brother was desperate to ask.

“No. All looks good. Monthly reports are in, and I haven’t looked at them in-depth, but they seem good.” A flash of indecision crossed Josh’s face.

“Tell me,” Aaron prompted.

“Harlan has asked to stay a couple of nights.”

“Really? And why is our dear cousin coming to visit this time?”

“He doesn’t say, other than he has business in Stone City and he’d like to call in and ‘catch up with the family,’“ Josh replied, doing finger quotes around the last part.

Aaron hummed. He was sure that Harlan had an ulterior motive, but Goddess knew what it would be.

Marshall shifted beside him, his thigh pressing warmly against Aaron’s. Aaron had been reluctant to let go of Marshall’s hand, having enjoyed the small connection between them. His wolf had certainly liked it, and strange as it sounded, he even felt a little stronger for it. It made him wonder how the soul bond would react if they did more than hold hands, though, given Marshall’s reaction to a simple touch, it may be a while before they could do anything more. The thought frustrated Aaron, and his wolf grumbled.

“So, what do I say to Harlan?” Josh’s question pulled Aaron from his thoughts. He ran a hand over his face and sighed. A warm hand landed on his leg, and he glanced at Marshall to find him giving him a questioning look.

“Harlan is a distant cousin or something like that. He’s a busybody and likes to ride on the pack’s reputation,” he explained to Marshall. “We can’t deny him a bed for the night, seeing as he’s family. Do we have any rooms available?”

Josh tapped on the keyboard and checked something before nodding. “Yeah. We have space. Shall I let him know?”

“Yes. Put the dates in my schedule, so I know to be extra busy those days,” Aaron told him with a grin.

Tags: Zoe Piper Romance