Page 19 of Soul Bound

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“We were in a separate team to them, and we didn’t work the same ops, but there were one or two where either team would be on standby or go in after the other as required.”

“I think I remember the twins mentioning another team that was led by a non-shifter and tiger. That would have been you and Saint?” Vaughn commented.

“Yes. Most of our missions are classified but suffice to say that we’ve heard of them, and they would have heard of us.”

Aaron was impressed. He knew of Rafe and Blake’s capabilities, and if Marshall and Saint had been in a sister team, it would mean that his mate was as capable and deadly as the twins were. That thought made his wolf very happy.

“Am I allowed to ask what your specialty was?” he asked.

“Mainly close-quarter combat, but we were all sniper and explosives trained.”

“And what do you do now you’ve retired?” Anna asked.

“Saint and I own and run a small string of martial arts studios. We’ve been running them for about four years now. We offer classes in everything from tai-chi and meditation to full-on combat MMA.”

“That must keep you busy,” Anne mused.

Marshall nodded in reply, his mouth full. Once he was able, he replied.

“It did. Unfortunately, I’ve not been much use lately other than for office work,” he said with a wave at his body.

“I understand,” Aaron sympathized. “I’ve not been able to go on Pack runs or do much more than damn office work myself.”

“Your wolf wouldn’t like that,” Marshall said, frowning. “I know that from many of the shifters I’ve worked with, their other half gets antsy if not let out and allowed to run.”

Aaron dropped his gaze to his plate. He didn’t want to admit one of his biggest failings as a

Alpha of the West Mill Pack.

“I’m sorry. Did I say something wrong?”

Aaron lifted his head to find Marshall’s worried gaze on him. Aaron shook his head.

“No. I’ve not had the strength to shift for over six months. My wolf is frustrated, but at the same time, he’s not strong enough to force himself forward. Thisthingthat is making me sick is affecting him too.”

“I hadn’t considered that consequence,” Marshall said thoughtfully. “What time is Alice getting here? We need to figure out what is going on with this soul bond thing so we can both get back to living.”

Aaron was pleased to see the quiet determination in Marshall’s eyes rather than the pity he’d seen recently from his Pack mates.

“She’ll be here shortly,” Vaughn confirmed.

“Good,” said Aaron. He wanted this whole soul bond thing sorted out as well. As capable as his brother was, he didn’t want to step down as Alpha. It was the role he was born to do, and he enjoyed it.

The group was just finishing up their breakfast when Saint arrived, closely followed by Sam and Alice. Darcy trailed in behind them, flashing a warm smile at Aaron.

“Good morning,” he greeted them all. “Have you eaten?”

Alice and Darcy nodded while Sam and Saint fell on the remains of the buffet like the large shifters they were.

Once everyone was settled with coffee, Aaron looked expectantly at Alice.

“What have you found out?”

“Kyr and I searched for several hours,” Alice replied. “In fact, I’ve just sent him to bed because he kept going all night.”

“He didn’t have to do that,” Marshall protested. “I know we want answers, but he doesn’t have to work around the clock to find them.”

Marshall’s concern for the pack librarian warmed Aaron.

Tags: Zoe Piper Romance