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Her bottom lip trembles. “I was his first. I didn’t know that, and it didn’t excuse what he had done, but he wanted to remember us together like that.”

“He had no right.” I try to control my tone even though I’m fucking pissed at the guy who did this to her. “He violated you.”

“He did,” she agrees. “He started crying. I was crying. I watched him delete every picture, and he swore he didn’t send them to anyone, but I was still so scared.”

Of course, she was. Regardless of why the asshole did it, he left a cloud of fear hanging over her head.

“I didn’t go to school for days,” she says. “I was so lost. I couldn’t tell my parents because they’d pull me out of school, and Sean and Declan would hurt Otis. I wanted to hurt him too, but I didn’t want my brothers to end up in prison.”

She’s not exaggerating. If either Sean or Declan got wind of this, that asshole would be in rough shape.

I wouldn’t hesitate to handle him the same way if I could get my hands on him.

“Otis transferred to a school close to home about a month after that.” Her gaze seeks out mine. “I didn’t hear from him again until a few weeks ago. He sent me a text message. He apologized again and told me he regretted it. I deleted it and blocked him.”

“Good,” I say roughly. “He’s out of your life for good.”

She nods. “I’m sorry, Harry. I panicked when I saw you holding your phone in the air.”

“Ava.” I kiss her hand again. “I will never do anything to you without your consent. All I want to do is protect you.”

“I know.” She moves forward to kiss my cheek. “I trust you. I think that’s why I fell asleep on your bed on my birthday. I let my guard down. I felt safe. I felt that way last night too.”

“I won’t let anything happen to you,” I promise her, even though she’ll walk out of my life in a few weeks.

“Since that night with Otis, I’ve been scared that after sex I’d fall asleep and the guy I’m with would take pictures.” She sighs. “You’ve helped me get past that, Harry. You’ve helped me see that it’s okay to have fun if you’re careful.”

If I can help her in any way, I’m grateful, but the last thing I want is for her to get into bed with another guy in London. I wish to hell I were the only man she fucked for the rest of her life, but that’s not my reality. That’s something I’ll never have.



“You should always wear eyeglasses,” I say. “You’re hot as hell right now.”

Harry barks out a laugh. “You think?”

“I know.” I smile. “Are they reading glasses?”

He yanks the dark-rimmed glasses from his face. “They are. My dad had the same issue. That’s just one of the things I inherited from him.”

Based on what Sean told me years ago, Harry’s dad died when he was just a kid. It was a brain bleed and happened suddenly. Since then, Harry’s mom has married two other men.

“What else did you inherit from him?” I ask playfully. “His dashing good looks?”

He sets his glasses down on the kitchen counter. I asked him to make me a strong cup of coffee after we talked. He added just the right amount of cream and presented the mug to me with a kiss on my forehead.

He’s made me feel cherished today in a way I never have before.

“Is that a thing? Dashing good looks?”

“It’s a thing.” I circle a finger in front of his face. “That’s the definition of it right there.”

His phone chimes again. It’s been going non-stop for the past hour. Harry finally put on his glasses and gave it the attention it demanded as the coffee brewed.

I took the opportunity to stare at him.

“I like that you think that.” He smiles. “Did you always think that, Ava?”

“You want to board a time machine and go back to when I was a teenager?” I wave a hand at him. “I’m not going there.”

“So, that’s a yes?” He smirks. “You liked me then.”

“I had my first orgasm when I was touching myself and thinking about you,” I admit.

His eyes widen. “Jesus, Ava. Are you serious?”

I laugh it off as I feel a rush of embarrassment flow through me, sending a pink blush over my cheeks.

Harry doesn’t let it go. Instead, he leans both elbows on the counter. “You’re serious.”

“You wore these tight T-shirts, and had muscles for days.” I tap his forearm. “You still do.”

He raises his chin. “I’m touched, Ava. I’m honored too.”

“That I masturbated while I imagined you naked?” I shake my head. “I can’t believe I just admitted that to you.”

“I pumped one out after I saw you in the elevator.”

Tags: Deborah Bladon The Buck Boys Heroes Romance