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She contemplates that as she chews. A sip of water from her glass follows that. “I have a lot of dreams.”

As do I, but most will never come true. I’ve accepted that and dwell on the here and now, because at the end of the day, that’s all any of us have.

“Tell me one,” I say, punctuating the words by popping my index finger in the air.

She tilts her head to the side, her top teeth scraping over her bottom lip as she weighs her answer. “I’d love to play at Carnegie Hall one day.”

That’s not shocking. She’s a gifted musician. I assume most people with talent that matches hers have that same dream in their sights.

“I will play Carnegie Hall one day,” she amends her last statement. “I’ll make it happen. I know I will.”

I sense she’s right, even though I’ve never seen her play. I’d ask for a private concert now, but she’s so relaxed that I push aside my selfish desire to witness her talent for myself.

“I’ll be seated front and center for that concert.”

“You’d come?” Surprise laces the tone of her voice. “Seriously?”

“Seriously,” I say, gazing into her eyes across the table. “You let me know when it happens, and I’ll buy the first ticket.”

A soft smile spreads over her lips. “I’ll do that, Harry.”



“You’re taking the subway home?”

Harry lets out a chuckle. “I am. Why?”

I was surprised when he told me he would head to the nearest subway stop to make his way uptown. I assume he caught a ride here since he was loaded down with cardboard boxes. I thought he’d go home via the same mode of transportation.

“You don’t have a driver?” I ask. “Sean has a driver.”

“Your brother is lazy.”

I laugh. “He’d put you in a headlock if he heard you say that.”

“I’d be out of it in no time flat.” He flexes his bicep beneath the sweater he’s wearing. “I work out on the daily. Your brother has nothing on me.”

My gaze drops to the bottom hem of the sweater and the way it is inching up with his movements.

He must have rock hard abs and those delicious V-shaped sex lines that some guys have that lead down to their…

“Are you all right, Ava?” His question tears through my thoughts. “You look like you drifted away.”

I did – to the land of hard abs and even harder cocks.

“I’m good.” I fan a hand in front of my face. “I’ll walk you down. I think I need some fresh air.”

His gaze jumps over my shoulder. “It looks like the window on the left opens. Do you want me to do that for you?”

It’s a gallant offer, but I want to clear my head, and walking around the block will do just that.

“That’s okay.” I wave his suggestion away with a flick of my fingers. “I haven’t had an opportunity to check out the neighborhood yet. This will give me a chance to do that.”

“It’s dark out.”

I smile. “I’m not afraid of the dark.”

A low chuckle drops from his lips. “I didn’t think you were, London.”

“I need to grab shoes and my keys.” I motion toward my bedroom. “Give me two minutes, and we’ll head out.”

“I’ll go on your walk with you,” he states just as I turn to leave the room.

I glance over my shoulder at him. “You don’t have to do that, Harry.”

“I want to,” he says. “I know this neighborhood, so consider me your tour guide.”

Something tells me it’s more about looking out for me than showing me the sights. I can take care of myself. I have been for years, but if he’s willing to stroll through the streets of Manhattan with me, who am I to refuse that?

“I lived a block from here when I was a kid,” Harry confesses as we wait to cross a street. “My mom married a mechanic who owned a garage not far from here, and he had an apartment that he convinced her had enough room for the three of us and the baby she was expecting.”

I glance up at him. “Ryden?”

He nods. “Sean told you about Ryden?”

Shaking my head, I steal a glance at the light. “Ryden tells everyone about Ryden. One of my friends in London first mentioned him. She stumbled on his social media. He has like a gazillion followers.”

Harry crosses his arms over his chest. “Do you follow him?”

“Yes,” I admit sheepishly. “He’s super entertaining.”

And hot, according to virtually all my classmates in London.

Ryden Duran was not only blessed with the ability to handle a puck on the ice with ease, but he’s insanely good-looking.

I think Harrison is better looking, but I can see why Ryden has amassed the following he has.

Harry taps my elbow. “Let’s cross.”

We do that in silence, edging around a couple walking three dogs.

Tags: Deborah Bladon The Buck Boys Heroes Romance