Page 24 of Dare You to Lie

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I sighed, wishing for this conversation to be over. “Yes?”

“Sid’s a great guy. Don’t hurt him, okay?”

I scowled and gripped the phone a little tighter.

“I won’t. Jeez, have a little faith in me.”

“Sorry. It’s just that I know how you are. You either want to sleep with a man, or you want something from him, and I know Sid isn’t rich. I also know he’s not the type to sleep around.”

“I’m done with this conversation. We’ll be there soon. Bye.”

My skin felt hot, and I wanted to scream, but I didn’t want to wake the family. Instead, I shoved all my things into my bag and slung it over my shoulder.

Why did my sister assume I was so damn superficial? Sure, I’d dated a lot of rock stars or wannabe rock stars, also some men in suits, but it had never been about what they offeredme. My sister would be shocked to know that they were the ones who left when I couldn’t take care of them financially.

All of my nervousness about going out with Sid disappeared. Now I wanted to turn up the heat on our fake relationship. I hoped Sid would go along with it.

“Head to Rebecca’s new restaurant,” I said when I hopped up into the cab of Sid’s truck. He was scrolling through something on his phone and jumped a little.

“It’s open?” he asked as he put the truck in reverse and backed out of the driveway.

“Not to the public. Right now, she’s serving samples that the kitchen is trying for the new menu. She’s also using this as a chance to try out some different chefs to find the right fit.”

Rebecca’s restaurant, Harvest House, was a farm-to-table style restaurant. I was really excited for her, despite the shit she gave me. This had been a dream of hers for so long, and it made me happy to see it finally coming to fruition.

Her grand opening wasn’t for a while. She was still hiring staff and trying to find the right chef for the kitchen. She’d hired a lot of cooks, but she wanted one chef to oversee it all and bring the place to life with signature dishes.

The building was a piece of shit when she bought it, but, as he always did for his darling girl, Daddy came through and invested. Rebecca had really turned the place around. Renovations were almost complete, and Kate had helped with the décor.

They had to knock a lot of walls down and replace boards that were rotting, so Laney took the wood and made signs to hang on the walls and from the ceiling that would direct customers to the restroom, bar, and kitchen.

Harvest House was twenty minutes north of Oak Springs, so it didn’t take long to get there. We parked, and before I could open my door, Sid was there opening it for me. He held out his hand as he looked toward the front of the restaurant.

I was momentarily stunned. It had been a while since a man had opened a car door for me, and usually it was just for show at a charity event or some other event where the press was taking pictures. I considered this practice for the gala, and maybe Sid felt that way too.

Slowly, I placed my hand in Sid’s, and an electric current ran from my fingers up my arm. Sid must have felt it, too, because he glanced back at me with a curious look on his face. As soon as my feet were on the ground, I pulled my hand free and rubbed it on my jeans to shake off the strange feeling.

We walked inside, and Sid let out a whistle. The place looked amazing. It had been a week since I’d visited, and a lot had been done. Rebecca greeted us at the front with a big smile. Sid pulled her into a hug, and irritation crept up my spine.

“This place looks amazing, Becks,” Sid said. He looked around in awe.

“Thanks. It’s almost done. We’re in the final stages and should be ready to open soon.”

“Really? You found a chef?” I asked.

“Yes. Elijah Mitchell. He came highly recommended by Will.”

“I know Eli. Since when are you talking to my brother?” Sid asked.

Rebecca shrugged. “He’s helping me with a few things.”

“When are you planning on opening?” I asked.

“Soon. Kate is planning the grand opening. I expect you both to be there. Your brothers are invited too, Sid.” Rebecca said.

“I’m sure they would love to come. Is there anything I can help with?”

Tags: Mina Cole Romance