Page 80 of P.S. I Hate You

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His feigned innocence makes my blood boil. His eyes on the yellowing blemish staining my face. There isn’t enough concealer to hide a shiner like this. But that’s not what I’mhere for. I cross my arms over my chest to hold my heart from breaking through. If I never saw him again, it would be too soon. “About Jace and how you’re blackmailing him.”

“Oh, you mean the guy who walked into my house uninvited and socked me in the face when my back was turned?” He points at his split lip as if that’s enough to cry assault.

Just hearing him say it makes my bile rise. “Is that any worse than what you did to me?”

His jade stare narrows. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I take a deep breath and let it out, preparing to play my next hand. “You either drop the charges on Jace, orI’mgoing to the police to press charges againstyou.”

“Oh, please. You think anyone is going to listen to you? Your mother has a rap sheet a mile long, and you’re just as bad.”

I crinkle my nose. “I’ve never even gotten a parking ticket.”

“No, but you’re a pro at B and E, aren’t ya? I already caught you breaking into the country club. How do I know you didn’t break into my house, too?”

“Because even you know how stupid that sounds.”

“Do I? From where I’m standing, all I see is a poor girl bred for theft who’d do anything to get her money back, and that’s what the cops’ll see, too. But they’ll go easy on you. First offense and all. But Wilder?” He lets out a long, slow whistle. “They’ll throw the book at him so hard, his mama won’t even recognize him when he gets out.Ifhe gets out.”

Chills skitter down my arms. He has me right where he wants me, and he knows it. “Why are you doing this?”

He shrugs. “Because I can.”

I shake my head in disbelief. “You’re a shit. All this time, he was right about you, and I refused to see it. Is that what this whole thing was all along? A plan to hurt Jace?”

“You aren’t hot enough to be a villain origin story, El.” He chuckles. “Using you to hurt him was a bonus, not a plan. I thought your mother’s wealth could afford to buy you some class, but you’re nothing but a white trash orphan.”

I meet him toe-to-toe and look up into his smug face, wondering what I ever saw in him. “And you’re nothing but a spoiled piece of shit rapist crying because his daddy doesn’t love him.”

His hands curl into fists at his sides, but I stand my ground.

“You gonna hit me again, Troy? I’m sure all these people would be amazing witnesses.”

“Watch it, Ellie.” Reaching for his door handle, he pushes me aside, then folds into the driver’s seat. “If you’re lucky, maybe I’ll take you back once I’ve made Jace my bitch.”


The crowd at Mad Dog’s is standing-room only. I chew my nail, pacing back and forth as Coach tapes Jace’s hands. He hasn’t said much about the fight. Neither of us has. I gave Troy the benefit of the doubt up until the bitter end. After all that’s happened, I was sure he would pull a small shred of decency up from the hollow of his heart and call this off, but once again, I’m giving credit where none is due. I don’t know what’s worse—the fact I was so easily duped or that Jace is being forced to pay the price for my naïvete.

“You’re wearin’ a hole in the floor,” Jace grumbles. “Could you sit down? You’re makin’ me nervous.”

I stop short and slide onto the bench beside him. “Aren’t you already nervous?”


“Winners don’t get nervous.” Coach slaps Jace on the arm and gives it a squeeze. My stomach flips. That may be true, but aftertonight, Jace won’t be a winner anymore. He’ll have handed over everything he’s worked toward and walk out of here with nothing. It shouldn’t have to be this way.

Out in the main area, the music shifts. Jimbo’s voice echoes in the open space. It brings me back to the very first fight. So much has happened since then. It feels as if a lifetime’s passed me by. That innocent girl holding the cards isn’t the same one standing here today. Her face may be similar, but inside has been hardened from the harsh reality of the truth. I see the world through new eyes, and everything is different than it was before.

“I’m gonna find my seat. Good luck.”

I move toward the door, but Jace’s gloved hand tugs me back. “Thanks for being here.”

“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”

He slides his fingers to the nape of my neck and pulls me in for a quick kiss. “That’s enough,” the coach barks. “We need you strong out there!”

“I am strong.”

Tags: Jane Anthony Romance