Page 67 of P.S. I Hate You

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WhatcanI say? This elaborate statement of his affection stole my ability to speak. Advertisements for the prom have begun popping up all over the walls of Hell’s Bend High. I’ve witnessed dozens of promposals over the last few weeks, from small and simple to romantic and sweet, but nothing like this. I hadn’t planned on attending. I have no friends here, and there’s no reason to celebrate. My intent was to spend the night with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s while streamingCarrieon Amazon Prime.

“I know you want to be friends, and that’s fine, but there’s no one else I’d rather take as my date than you.”

I lick my dry lips to build up enough moisture in order to reply. Jace’s face flickers behind my eyes, his rugged frame filling out a tuxedo as he whirls me around the dance floor. I blink it away and force my attention on Troy instead. For some reason, it hadn’t occurred to me that Red Drum’s prom wouldcoincide with ours. In hindsight, I should have anticipated the question long before he asked it, but I didn’t. The thought never even entered my brain. If that’s not fate telling me Troy’s not the one, I don’t know what is.

Still, his confident stare tugs on my heart. How can I say no to him? I meet his smile with my own and whisper the word he’s expecting to hear. “Yes.”

Chapter eighteen

Iroll out of bed to the usual Saturday morningthwap, thwap, thwap. The smell of coffee carries me into the kitchen. Cindy’s already at the table nursing a mug of joe and reading theHell’s Bend Herald. “Mornin’, sugar.”

“Hi.” I pull a mug from the cabinet and fill it up to the brim. Robbie’s party ran late into the night, Troy refusing to leave until the last person passed out. I feel like the walking dead and probably look like it, too.

The constant banging rings in my ears like a five-alarm fire drill. “Does he have to do that in the morning?”

She smiles. “After a while, you just drown it out.” She folds her paper. “You wanna take this on the porch?”


The morning humidity is worse than the noise, but I suck it up and choose a rocker. “Whatcha got planned for today?” Cindy asks.

I pull a leg up and rest my heel on the edge of the seat. “Actually, I was going to ask you the same thing.”

She lifts a questioning brow.

“Well …” I blow away the steam before taking a sip. “Troy invited me to the prom, and I need a dress. I thought, maybe you’d want to go shopping?”

“Wouldn’t you be happier goin’ with a girlfriend?”

I grin, but it doesn’t reach my eyes. “I don’t really have a lot of those. It was just a thought. You don’t have to.”

She reaches out and touches my arm. “I would love to go shoppin’ with you.”

This time, my smile is genuine. “Really?”

“Absolutely. You’re the closest thing I have to a daughter. I’ve always wanted one.”

“Why didn’t you and Jackson have more kids?”

“Just wasn’t in the cards.” She drains her cup and sets it on the table between us. “I lost so many babies tryin’ that I just gave up after a bit. Jace was my blessin’, and he was enough, believe me.”

“He was a handful.”

She flutters her lips. “Jace was two handfuls. That kid almost put me in an early grave with the shit he pulled.”

He comes around the corner as if we summoned him by saying his name.

“Speak of the devil. Mr. Happy in the flesh,” she says with a giggle, then taps me on the knee. “Imma go get ready. Meet you out here again in an hour? We can stop for lunch, too. Make it a day.”

All my warm and fuzzies dance. If I can’t have my actual mom, I’m glad I have Cindy with me. “Sounds perfect.”

“What are y’all plottin’?” Jace lifts the bottom of his tee to wipe the sweat off his face. The glimpse of his taut stomach makes mine clench.

I lift my cup by the rim with the tips of my fingers and stand. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Yeah. That’s why I asked, smart-ass.”

“Well, it’s none of your beeswax.” I stick out my tongue and saunter inside. The feel of his stare sears into my flesh, but I don’t turn back. I can’t do this with him right now. Backsliding into Jace’s web of bullshit is too damn easy. For now, I’m hoping to ride this meager slice of joy out as far as I can.

Tags: Jane Anthony Romance