Page 99 of Fighting for King

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I had a plan. And I had a date with the Ice Man. I couldn’t wait.

Now today was turning into the longest day ever for a whole new reason.

The anticipation was eating me alive. I wanted to get home to my girls with my ring in hand. But I couldn’t. I had a date to pickout the ring in an hour and then two more scenes to film before we wrapped.

I tapped a quick text to Ilan so he had my trailer location and made sure security had his info so he’d get through to me. Then with nothing else to occupy me, I pulled upthe Babbler’swebsite and read all about my girl’s trip to the wedding dress boutique.

* * *

Of course nothing was going to go smoothly today. My last day filming ran over. It was almost two in the morning by the time I got home. Long after Zoe had gone down, and judging by Briar’s closed bedroom door, her too.

The only happy note at the end of my day was the weight a certain little ring box burned in my pocket. It was perfect—a mix of filigree and sparkle. The vintage halo setting reminded me so much of Briar, I didn’t even need to look at the other rings. I saw it and just knew.

But now I had to wait to give it to her.

And the moment had to be just as perfect as the ring.

I had a few phone calls to make.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


I woke up the next morning alone in my own bed to a silent house. That wasn’t totally unusual. Staring hazily at the clock, I saw it was after seven in the morning. Apparently, I’d slept in after I’d waited up for King to come home. I’d conked around 1 am, unable to keep my eyes open. What time had he finally rolled in last night?

After quickly dressing and brushing my hair and teeth, I stumbled down the hall to check on Zoe. I carefully pushed the door open and found her toddler bed empty.


Why was the house so silent if Zoe was up?

Where was Zoe?

I tore down the hall to King’s room, but it was empty too.

Oh god.

Something must’ve happened.

Something bad.

I ran down to the kitchen. All I really wanted to do was yell for Zoe and Kingston, but I didn’t.

I couldn’t.

I couldn’t breathe.

All the air left my lungs as I reached the bottom of the stairs and found Kingston standing there barefoot, in a simple whitet-shirt and jeans while holding a single peach rose like a reality dating show contestant.

He was here. He was okay.

God, he looked amazing.

“Where’s Zoe?” I wheezed.

King frowned. “Having breakfast with my mom. Are you okay?”

I rested my hands on my knees as I panted, trying and failing to catch my breath. To go from all-out fear to calmness was impossible. And exhausting. And I was seriously pissed at King for making me worry. “What the hell?”

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance