Page 97 of Fighting for King

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“Right.” Jayne followed me inside and set her bag and binder down on the little table. “Don’t forget you’re supposed to call your mom, not Briar.”

“Huh? Why would I call my mom?”

Jayne’s eyes widened. “Because she’s watching your daughter.”

“Where’s Briar?”

“You don’t know? Everyone said you signed off on the plan. I knew I shouldn’t have trusted Phoenix. But Briar said…” Jayne groaned and her jaw flexed as she no doubt grounded her teeth. “Dammit.”

“What is going on, Jayne? Where’s Briar, and why isn’tshewatching my daughter?”

“She and Phoenix picked her parents up from the airport, and they’re all going to Di Capo Designs.”

“And?” Like I knew what Di Capo Designs was.

“It’s a wedding dress boutique. She’s going wedding dress shopping with her parents and your brother with a horde of paparazzi trailing behind them.”

I collapsed into a chair. “She’s going wedding dress shopping?”

My brain spun as Jayne went on about a plan and flipping the narrative, using the paparazzi attention to our advantage.

But all I could think was that Briar was trying on wedding dresses. Briar in a long, white gown with a veil trailing behind her as she walked up the aisle toward me at the altar, a clutch of flowers in one hand and Zoe’s little hand in the other.

I wanted that.

I wanted that more than air at the moment, judging by this lightheaded sensation.

Taking a gulp of air, I pulled out my phone and tapped out a text to my brother.

Me:Buy whatever dress Briar likes the most today


Me:Yup. Buy it. I’ll pay ya back

“I’m so sorry, Kingston.” Jayne groaned. “I really thought you were briefed on the plan and approved. I knew I shouldn’t have trusted Phoenix. But we can fix this. I can fix this. We just need to—”

“There’s nothing to fix. I agree. It’s a great plan. Or was. But it’s going to be real, as soon as I can get a few people on board. Do you have Ilan Ice’s number?”

“Whoa. Um…” Jayne sank into the chair opposite me like her knees wouldn’t hold her up anymore. “Are you sure?”

“Why is everyone asking me that today? Yes, I’m sure. I love her. She’s it for me. And I’m pretty sure I’m it for her too.”

“That’s great, Kingston. I’m happy for you both. And if it helps any, I think your fans are definitely on your side, too.”

“Side? What do you mean?”

“People are actively posting other pictures of you, and Briar too, on social media to push down hits on the other pictures. #ProtectKingston is the number one hashtag on multiple platforms. Number two is #ProtectBringston.”

“Bringston?” I was a little bit ashamed to admit that I liked the sound of that. And I especially loved that they put Briar first rather than me. “They’re trying to protect us? They’re really doing that?”

“Your fans love you. After that post came out onthe Babblerabout the pictures being stolen, your fans all clamored to help and stop the reposting of the images.” Jayne smiled, hereyes shining with emotion. “I know you’ve had your doubts about continuing to work in this industry with everything that’s happened with Ariel, her parents, Zoe, and now with your former assistant, but you have made a difference. You’ve impacted people’s lives so much that they’re eager to give back. People love you, Kingston.”

I tipped my head in acknowledgement of Jayne’s rare, profound words. A sense of peace I hadn’t felt in a long time settled in my chest, easing the ache that’d been gnawing at me. I had to clear my throat before I could speak. “Thanks, Jayne. I appreciate that.”

“I hope you, Briar, and Zoe are as happy as I’ve been with my brood. Family’s really the only thing that matters—however and wherever you find it.”

It was humbling to hear Jayne compare my pending marriage to her successful relationship with San Fran’s former quarterback, who she’d married twenty years ago and had two children with. The publicist and the quarterback had been celebrity relationship goals since they started dating back when Ben had still been playing. They’d both juggled their jobs through pregnancies, two national championships, and countless client scandals—a few belonging to me. The fact that they were still together and going strong over twenty years later gave me a ridiculous amount of hope.

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance