Page 95 of Fighting for King

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“So do I.” Mom smiled tearfully at my dad then leaned over and gave him a kiss.

I had to look away so I could brush my tear away. But Phoenix didn’t. He stared at my parents like he’d never seen anything like them before.

I sighed as the car idled in traffic. This was such a perfect moment. I wished King and Zoe could be here too. I wanted to call him and fill him in on the plan, but since he didn’t have an assistant anymore, I’d never get through to him before my appointment.

What was that saying? It was better to ask forgiveness than permission? That was going to be my mantra today.

King would understand. I was doing this for him and Zoe. And we didn’t have to get married. People would assume whatever they wanted, and we could keep on going like we had before. Nothing had to change. We were just changing public perception.

Still, my nerves were obvious as I twirled my mom’s ring on my finger.

I tried to take a few deep breaths to calm down. It was going to be okay. King would understand.

I hoped.

The car pulled to a stop in front of the boutique, and insanity ensued. People crowded the car, pressing into the windows and shouting questions. Flashes all but blinded us inside the car.

Mak twisted around to address us from the driver’s seat. “Stay put. We’re going to make some room. No stopping for questions or pictures. We go straight into the store. Everyone clear on the plan?”

He’d been addressing us for most of his little speech, but he said the last bit to Phoenix.

Nix raised his eyebrows innocently. “I’m totally on board, big man. Let’s get my little sister a wedding dress!”

Mak sighed then looked at me. I shrugged. He was Phoenix. What could I say?

Our bodyguards exited, and the crowd roared even louder.

My pulse thundered in my ears. Oh my god. I was doing this. I was facing the media and then trying on wedding dresses. When had this become my life?

“Everyone put on sunglasses, and don’t look directly into the cameras.” Phoenix slid his sunglasses on. “It might be daylight, but you’d be surprised how many still use flashes right in your face. Keep your gaze down and don’t forget to smile. This is a happy occasion. Your daughter is trying on wedding dresses.Everyone’s happy.”

He said the last in a silly voice that instantly had me giggling. I was amazed that Nix knew exactly what to say to break the tension of the moment.

Then the doors opened, and the insanity hit me like a freight train.

Voices, questions, camera clicks.

Phoenix exited first and disappeared into the crowd.

Mak held his hand out to me, and I grasped it like a lifeline. He pulled me out of the car, then dropped my hand but stayed close to my side as we waded through the crowd.

The questions were relentless.

“Briar! Are you getting married?”

“Briar! Over here!”

“Any advice for other nannies looking to trap a man?”

“Look over here!”

“When’s the big day?”

“How’s Kingston in bed?”

“Do you sleep with all your bosses?”

As we approached the boutique, I was a bundle of nerves. I was conscious of all the eyes on me now, and later when the pictures would be published. Everyone was looking at me. Judging me. And they’d already seen me naked. How could I ever hold my head up high again?

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance