Page 92 of Fighting for King

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“Huh.” Phoenix pulled a contemplative expression. “I’m listening.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Still Briar

I wasn’t supposed to pick my parents up from the airport, but I’d called my sister and got their flight details, so I knew when they would land. And since they were in the air when I came up with my brilliant plan, I couldn’t exactly warn them I was about to kidnap them after a six-hour flight.

My mom was going to kill me.

But I knew she’d help me if I could’ve asked. She’d just probably want to freshen up in the restroom before being confronted by a wall of paps photographing her every move.

It made hiding in the SUV in short-term parking a little bit more palatable. Hopefully Mom’s wrath would calm somewhat before she got into the SUV. I was hiding in the car because of my newfound notoriety. And so was Phoenix. Neither of us could approach baggage claim without causing mayhem, which left Mak to fetch my parents. He knew them, unlike Titus, the extra bodyguard Mak required to go with us before we could leave the house.

Actually, Mak called him Tee. When the huge, heavily tattooed man with a neck the size of my thigh arrived, he hadn’t said much, or anything really. I only learned his name through a riveting conversation we had while waiting in the parking terminal.

“So, um, what’s Tee short for?” I asked, trying to break the silence in the car.

“Titus,” Tee grunted.

“Is that first or last?” Phoenix asked with his characteristic snark.

Tee swung around and stared at Nix with this dead-eyed expression that made my blood freeze. Then he swung back to stare out the windshield like nothing had happened.

An awkward silence reigned once again.

Until Nix tipped his head down at me and muttered out of the side of his mouth, “I don’t think we should call him Mister T. Something tells me he won’t like it.”

I had to stifle my giggles. I don’t know why I found it so funny. Either the tension of the day or Nix’s delivery just really hit my funny bone, and then my giggles were getting out of control.

After a few beats, Nix frowned down at me. “You okay, lil sis? It wasn’t that funny.”

Titus grunted his agreement from the front seat.

Which set me off again.

I wiped at my eyes and sighed. “Sorry. It’s just been a day, and it’s not even noon yet.”

“I get it. I’ve had more than my share of days like this. It’s just nice to wake up and not seemywasted ass splashed all over the tabloids. Not that your ass isn’t fine.”

I gave him my angry teacher glower. “Nix?”


“Don’t talk about my ass. Ever. Butespeciallynot in front of my parents.”

“I’ve got ya.” Nix smirked. “I won’t embarrass my little sister. Did I ever tell you I’d always wanted a little sister? It really sucks being the youngest. I would’ve loved to have someone to boss around like my brothers always did with me.”

“You know you’re only like four months older than me, right?”

“Really? You give off real little sister vibes. Like a cute little kitten.”

I shook my head then muttered, “You don’t want to know what vibes you give off.”

Titus snorted again. I couldn’t tell if he was amused or annoyed by our little back and forth.

My curiosity fled as I spotted Mak and my parents leaving the terminal.

“They’re coming!” I squealed like a little girl, thrilled to see my parents.

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance