Page 91 of Fighting for King

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And she ended the call.

I stared down at my silent cell phone as tears streaked down my face.

None of this morning had felt good, but hearing the hurt in Lyla’s voice might’ve been the blow to wipe me out. I didn’t know how to do this. My parents were flying home from New York today. My best friend didn’t want to talk to me. I’d lost most of my friends in the divorce. There really wasn’t anyone I was comfortable reaching out to.

Heck, I didn’t even have a job anymore.

My phone vibrated in my hand again.

Jacqueline Warner:I cannot believe you hooked up with Kingston Grier. This is like a rom-com! So exciting! Call me!

A rom-com? Nothing about this felt romantic or light. The romance reader inside of me would’ve scoffed, but all I was capable of at the moment was more tears. My hand shook as I tried and failed to turn my phone off. Pushing more than one button at a time was beyond me, since my whole body was shaking so hard.

“Here, let me.”

I jumped, as Phoenix loomed over me and took my phone out of my hand.

His eyes darted as he obviously read the message visible on my lock screen. “Jealous bitches.”

Then his eyes widened, and he cursed again before he tightened his grip on my phone and successfully powered it off.

“What did that one say?” I asked weakly.

“Not important.” He shoved my phone into his back pocket then gently wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “King asked me to check on you before he left. And I have a feeling you need some breakfast. I know I’m starving.”

My mind was stuck on the King part of what he’d said. “King already left?”

Phoenix nodded as he steered me toward the door. “Yup. Last day of filming. He said we’d all sit down and pound out a plan when he got home tonight. And that he doesn’t want you out here worried about what trolls think or about that stupid custody lawsuit. So let’s get some breakfast. My mom makes a mean Monte Cristo.”

“What custody lawsuit? Who’s suing for custody?”

Phoenix had reached for the doorknob but froze with his arm outstretched. “He, uh, didn’t tell you about that part? Shit.”

“Who’s suing him?” My mind raced. “His in-laws? Because of the pictures? Really?”

Phoenix shoved the door closed. He turned and gave me a steady look. “I promise you everything is under control. Kingston has—or will have, anyway—the best lawyers in the state representing him. He and Zoe will be fine.”

But all I heard wascustody lawsuit. The phrase circled in my head again and again. “Oh my god. I’ve ruined his life.” I dashed away the tears that continued to pour from my eyes and thought frantically. He’d gone from Hollywood hunk to porn pinup. And now he was going to lose his little girl. “I’ve ruined his life, and I gotta…I gotta get out of here.”

“Whoa!” Phoenix held his hands up. “Let’s not fly off the handle. No one’s life is ruined. This is just a minor blip. Trust me. I’ve gone through way worse shit, and I’m still here. I just signed with an agent yesterday. Hollywood loves a comeback story. And King is in a way better spot than me. He’s got loads of jobs lined up, a little girl who loves him to death, and an amazing woman in his life. If you ask me, King has everything in life that matters.”

Something about Phoenix’s easy demeanor and sweet words calmed my racing heart and stemmed the flow of my tears. “Youreally think so? I can’t be the reason that King loses Zoe. She means everything to him.”

“I’d argue that he still has room in his heart for someone else.” Phoenix hitched a shoulder. “But what do I know? I’m just his screwup little brother.”

“I think you have more depth than anyone has ever given you credit for. Thank you, Phoenix. I really appreciate everything you said.”

“Yeah well…I’m pretty sure whatever I said was a line from one of my shows. Or something.” He fidgeted like he didn’t know what to do with his hands. And like he didn’t know how to take a compliment. I wondered how often he’d heard them in his life—a genuine, honest compliment anyhow.

“Right. You said something about Monte Cristos? That happens to be my favorite brunch dish. I suppose we could have it for breakfast too. And Zoe should be up soon. I bet she’d love some French toast.”

“She’s already up. Mom brought her down a minute ago. She’s all riled up about some cartoon on tv. I guess Mom can’t find it or something?”

I laughed for the first time today. Zoe was a huge fan ofCoComelonand their cutesy nursery rhymes and songs. Which reminded me of something I saw online yesterday while Zoe had been hypnotized by her favorite show. “That’s because it’s on streaming. I’ll get it.” I stepped past Phoenix and opened the door myself. “And then I want to talk about a little plan that came to me. I promised King I wouldn’t leave the house today, but I’m gonna need you and Mak to help me kinda, sorta break that promise.”

Phoenix trailed me into the house. “Does it have to be today? The paparazzi pressure is going to be insane. You think you know, but you really don’t. They’re already staked out at thefront gate here, and I can guarantee they’re at the studio and your parents’ house, and maybe even your ex’s too.”

“King is used to it. My parents are flying back from New York today. They’re probably already in the air actually. And my ex is a tool who deserves worse, not that there’s anything I can do about any of that. But what Icandocould help King with his custody lawsuit and with public opinion.”

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance