Page 87 of Fighting for King

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“They look like pictures taken from a security feed? Of you two on your sofa downstairs—gross by the way. I’ve sat on that thing. Mak says they must be from the nanny cam.”

“Damn.” I raced toward my closet. “Tell Briar I’ll be right down. She must be so…” I couldn’t even finish the thought. Betrayed? Hurt? Angry? Violated? All the above?

I dressed quickly then ran downstairs to find Jayne, Mak, my attorney Forrest Wilson, Mom, and Phoenix all standing around my kitchen. But not Briar.

“Is Zoe still asleep?” I asked my mom.

She nodded.

“Where’s Briar?”

Mom tipped her head toward the back deck. “She needed a minute to herself.”

My heart lurched. I wanted to go to her, but I also needed to know what we were dealing with before I could begin to wrap my head around what was going on.

I sighed. “Okay, give me the bullet points—what are we dealing with? Wait, where’s Adam?”

Jayne and Mak exchanged a look then Jayne spoke. “We think he might be the leak.”

“What? Why? He wouldn’t…” I shook my head. “He’s been with me for so long. He’s signed an airtight contract and NDA. I don’t believe it.”

Mak rubbed his hands together. “It’s the only explanation that makes sense. The pictures were taken from your computer—literally pictures of your monitor. He’s the only one with access, knowledge of the cameras, and your relationship with Briar. And he was in the house yesterday afternoon.”

“He’s also not answering his phone,” Jayne added. “I called him before Mak put it all together. Adam’s gone AWOL.”

“Fuck.FUCK!” I shouted. Digging my hands through my hair, I wheezed as I thought about all the ways I would make that little prick pay. I’d thought it was weird when Briar mentioned that Adam had been in my office yesterday, but I’d chalked it up to him going the extra mile organizing scripts and contracts for me.

Not him fucking betraying me.

I swung around to Forrest and jabbed a finger in his direction. “I want that shit taken down. Whatever you got to do.”

“Already done.” Forrest inclined his head. “We’ve also let them know in no uncertain terms that lawsuits are imminent. No one has responded with justification yet —naming their inside source—but the initial articles have been taken down.”

“But the pictures have already spread through social media,” Jayne interjected. “You areall ofthe top five trending topics right now.”

Jayne held out her phone, showing me the list.

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“Son of a bitch.” I hung my head. I didn’t even want to think about what they were saying about Briar.

Jayne pulled her phone back. “We’ve got our tech guys scrubbing all the images from the web, but it might be impossible at this point. They’re everywhere.”

“What do we do? What’s our next move?” I turned to Forrest.

He shoved his hands in his suit pockets and rocked back on his heels. “We’re already drawing up a lawsuit against Adam. Hopefully one of the sites will confirm him being the source, but I’m afraid that’s not the biggest problem you’ve got now.”

A sinking sensation spread through my body. “What could be worse than this?”

Forrest stared squarely back at me. “Your former in-laws have gone on record that they will be suing you for custody of Zoe. They’ve said that you haven’t provided a safe environment for your child.”

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance