Page 66 of Fighting for King

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Seeing Adam’s face again really didn’t help.

“How are my girls doing?” King asked as he entered the trailer.

Adam’s eyes bulged.

I cleared my throat and avoided Adam’s narrowed eyed gaze. “Tired. Kinda frustrated too. I understand that you want to be there when she meets your family, but isn’t there something else we could do? Somewhere else we could go? Zoe’s tired of being cooped up.”

Zoe collapsed dramatically in her dad’s arms with a whine, underlining my point.

“Yeah.” King kissed Zoe’s cheek. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t want you guys around them without me today. When’s my last shoot supposed to be over by, Adam?”

“Five,” Adam answered sullenly. After a beat, he sent me a sneer I felt like a physical punch.

He knew.

A wave of heat swept over my face and I turned away from him.

“…maybe your parents?” King asked. “Or we could ask Mak what venues he feels comfortable taking you both to.”

I blinked and absorbed the little of what King had said that I’d caught. “Uh, yeah. Wait, no. My parents are at my sister’s in New York.”

“Right. I’ll talk to Mak after lunch then.” King’s innocent words didn’t match the steam in his eyes. He was clearly remembering all the naughty things we’d done lately.

Things I loved doing with him.

Things we couldn’t do now because of our audience.

I flushed even more as I looked away. “Lunch. Right. I’ll go hit craft services with Mak. Do you two need anything?”

King’s eyes caressed my body in a way I seriously wished he could follow through with his crazy, talented fingers.

Until Adam coughed pointedly.

“Nah, we’re good. I’m sure you packed enough for a weeklong camping trip.”

I twisted my lips in a semblance of a smile. “I’ll be back.”

“See ya, Arnold,” King replied in a Schwarzenegger accent.

This time, my smile was genuine as I rolled my eyes and walked away, past a sullenly silent Adam and out the door.

Only, Adam was hot on my heels and confronted me a safe distance from King’s trailer. Safe enough that King probably wouldn’t even notice.

“Not compatible, huh?” Adam sneered. “Guess I was foolish to assume you had anything in common with a peon like me.”

“Adam, it’s not like that. I don’t—”

“Save it. I should’ve known better. You’re just a starfucker, like all the rest.”

“I-I-I…” My retort fell silent as Adam stomped away.

Dammit. I chalked that little talk up with all the rest that I wished I could’ve handled better. Although I was pretty sure Adam and his ego were used to being passed over for Kingston Grier. His was a big shadow to live under.

“Come on, kid.” I jolted as Mak patted my shoulder. “I’ll buy you lunch.”

I snorted as I fell in step with my stoic buddy. “Pretty sure it’s free.”

“Po-tay-to, po-tah-to. Someone’s paying at the end of the day.”

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance