Page 64 of Fighting for King

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“Just sign, Nix.” Joyce’s voice sounded irritated—because of her son or Adam or having to sign an NDA to see her grandchild I didn’t know. But it definitely wasn’t happy times downstairs either.

I popped back into Zoe’s room which was markedly quieter. Only Zoe’s shuddery breaths were noticeable in the otherwise still room. I crossed the room to her and gathered her in my arms but didn’t say anything. I just wanted her to know she was safe and loved.

My heart still clenched when her wet cheek rested on my shoulder. God, I never thought it was possible to love someone as much as I loved this little girl.

We both jolted as Adam’s voice blared into the quiet room.

“Briar, we need to talk.”

I turned toward the door with Zoe still in my arms. “Yes?”

Adam’s eyes flicked to Zoe and back at me. “Alone.”

“I’m kinda busy, Adam. Can we talk when we come out to the studio later today?”

“That’s what I need to talk to you about. King doesn’t want you home alone with them. He wants you two to stay in his trailer today, and he’ll handle introductions later tonight.”

I swallowed my groan of frustration and smiled down at Zoe instead. Not everything was in my control after all. “Looks likewe’re going to spend the day in Daddy’s trailer. You want to help me pack a bag? What should we bring, Zo?”

“Play Doh!” She pursed her lips in a cute little frown.

“That’s up to Adam here.” I widened my eyes at her. “Should we ask him if we can go downstairs?”

Zoe nodded then blinked up at Adam. “Play Doh down staiws?”

“What?” Adam scowled like he’d never had to interact with Zoe before. “I don’t know what that means.”

“Can we go downstairs?” I clarified for him. “Kingston didn’t want us to leave this level until you said it was okay.”

“They were supposed to clear out for a few, but I’ll check.” Adam huffed in annoyance before he turned and left.

Wondering what bug crawled up his butt, I ignored his attitude and led Zoe around the room while we packed some fun stuff for our day-long trip.

A minute later, Adam popped back into the room. “All clear.”

I jumped again at his sudden presence. “Uh, great. Zoe and I just need a minute to pack a few more things. Are we riding with Mak or you?”

“I came with Mak. He’s waiting out front.” Adam just stood in front of us, his eyes still on me.

“Right, well we just need a minute.” I forced a smile.

“Play Doh!” Zoe shouted again.

“Right.” I ducked past Adam with Zoe in my arms and our bag over my shoulder. He didn’t offer to help with any of it, not that I would’ve let him. “Let’s get some Play Doh for you, Zo. And maybe some snacks? What do you want to eat today?”

I all but ran down the stairs with my arms full and finished packing our bag. I went through my mental checklist: food, drinks, activities, extra clothes, diapers…what was I missing? King had plenty in his trailer, but I wanted to be prepared.


A few minutes later, we were as ready as I could be. I held Zoe’s hand since I wasn’t sure I could carry her and our heavy bag. We met Adam in the living room where he scrolled through his phone with a bored expression.

I forced a smile. “Ready.”

“Great.” Adam didn’t even look up. “Let’s go.”

“Ready to rock, Zo?” I smiled down at her.

She nodded enthusiastically. She knew a car ride meant she was seeing her daddy soon.

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance