Page 60 of Fighting for King

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I sat up and took a deep breath, trying to steel my homicidal rage. My brother was such a goddamn dipshit. Had he never heard of calling first? Or texting? Why hadn’t I changed Nix’s access codes? And what the fuck was he thinking, bringing our mom tomyhouse?

I had to end that train of thought. I was getting too worked up. My jaw grinding, I took a quick second and pulled off the condom with a tissue, then pulled on my boxers.

Meanwhile, Briar had hopped off the couch and was currently tangling up her shorty shorts and tank top. Her breath was audible, coming in quick panting gasps. Like she was panicking.

“Baby, look at me.”

Briar’s eyes were huge in her sweet, pale face.

“It’s going to be okay.” I took her tangled clothes from her and quickly straightened them out. “It’s not ideal, but it’s my family. We don’t do things exactly the normal, easy way. I’ll have a chat with my brother and make sure he doesn’t give you a hard time about what he saw.”

“But your mom, Kingston. She saw us.Together. And I’m Zoe’s nanny!” Briar wobbled as she stepped into her shorts.

I held her side for balance and tried to keep my tone mild. “I’ll have her sign an NDA. I don’t exactly trust her much anymore. But it’ll be fine. You’ll see.”

“But they’ll know. I’m your employee and I’m sleeping with you. They’ll think…not so good things about me.” She said the last part like it was a deep source of shame.

“You shouldn’t care what anyone thinks. You can’t let others influence your self-worth.”

“We’re not talking about strangers here, King. I’m not complaining because my picture is in the tabloids and I read the comments.” Briar made a face. She grumbled under her breath as she pulled on her tank top then scowled down at me. “This is your family. Your brother and your mother. Are you seriously telling me that you don’t care what they think?”

“I don’t.” I stared back at her to show her I was serious. “Until very recently, my brother was a strung-out junkie who sold out our brother to the tabloids. Something he learned from our mother, who did the same thing to me years ago. So no, I don’t give a shit what they think about me, my life, or my choices. And I have zero problems saying as much to their faces. I know you, the real you, and I know I have nothing to be ashamed about.”

“Well I’m not built like you. I value what my family and my friends think. They’re the people in my life that I love and respect. I have to be able to look into my parents’ eyes and be happy with the person I see reflected back.”

Suddenly I wasn’t so sure we were still talking about what’d just happened. I paused to pull on my shirt, but before I could ask Briar what was up, the front door opened, and Nix’s head popped in, his eyes covered by his hand. “Are you guys decent yet? I’m getting bored waiting out here.”

“Nix, stop being an immature jerk.” Mom bopped him over the head with her purse. “Get your butt back out here.”

I huffed. “Are you ready for this? Or do you want to escape upstairs? You don’t have to meet them now, like this.”

“No, it’s fine.” Her smile quivered at the end, but it didn’t take away from her bravery. “They’re family, right?”

“Not if I kill them,” I muttered under my breath, and Briar giggled. I didn’t have time to think about why that sound made my heart stutter. I had my annoying family to deal with.

“No, it’s fine,” I hollered. “We’re dressed.”

“I am so sorry, Kingston.” Mom walked in with a contrite expression. “I had no idea you had company over or that we’d be barging into…your life like that. I am so, so sorry. Hello, I’m Joyce Hill. I’m the mother to these two huge guys plus one more.”

Briar shook my mom’s hand then shifted her weight and tugged at her shorty shorts, trying and failing to make them longer. She smiled ruefully. “Hi, I’m Briar St. Clair.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Briar.” Mom smiled as her gaze darted between me and Briar. Clearly making connections she had no reason to even think about, let alone openly hint at.

I hadn’t seen the woman in over seven years. Why she thought she could swan in like nothing had happened was beyond me. I just needed a minute to calm down before I said something in front of Briar I’d regret.

“Yeah, it’s nice to meet you, Briar,” Nix drawled as he joined our awkward trio. “How long have you known my brother here? He didn’t mention you when we talked last.”

I ground my teeth and silently promised retribution with my eyes.

Nix smiled blandly and rested an arm over Mom’s shoulders.

Briar’s weight shifted as she wrapped her arms around herself. “Oh, I—”

Both our phones alerted with the baby monitor app. I scrambled to silence mine as Briar took off across the room to the stairs.

“I’ll take care of Zoe. It was nice to meet you all,” Briar called with a wave, and then she was scaling the stairs and was gone.

“Since when do you let your little girlfriends take care of Zoe?” Nix asked with a raised eyebrow. “Or is that easier than actually paying for a nanny?”

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance