Page 36 of Fighting for King

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Especially if I couldn’t trust myself to watch her on the cameras. A little chat every night wasn’t a bad thing, right?

Briar nodded as she stood up from her chair. My eyes dropped to her tiny shorts and how much of her legs showed. It was reflex and I felt like twenty kinds of a perv. But she had hella hot legs—all smooth and toned and just gorgeous. I quickly swung back to the dishwasher and tried to busy myself adjusting a few dishes.

“Ah yeah. I can do that. If it’s all right with you, I’ll take some pictures and video of Zoe with my phone? That way you can see some of our day for yourself?”

I swung back to face her with a smile. My smile drooped a bit when I noticed her shorts had been tugged a bit lower. Damn, I hoped I hadn’t made her feel uncomfortable. Straight faced, I inclined my head, trying like hell to stay professional. “I uh, yes.Please. I don’t get the chance to check the nanny cams every day.” Or I definitely wouldn’t be from now on. “And Zoe is a total ham when it comes to pictures.”

“I can’t wait to see that. Although with her daddy and uncles, I’m sure it comes natural to her.” Briar bit her lip, and a chagrined expression stole across her face. “I should get to bed. ‘Night.”

“Goodnight, Briar. I have an early call time, so I won’t see you guys tomorrow until you come out to the set.”

“Okay. I’ll try to get there promptly tomorrow.” Her eyes twinkled as she smiled at me. “‘Night.”

I turned back to the dishwasher because I couldn’t be trusted not to watch her walk away.

She was my employee, and I couldn’t forget that.

No matter how plump her ass was.

Chapter Ten


That night was the first of many I spent with King sitting at his table and talking about everything and nothing. And I had to admit it was becoming my favorite part of my day. I loved spending time with Zoe, but after I put her to bed, I found myself watching the clock.

We’d developed an easy friendship. He’d told me stories about growing up in Oregon looking for buried treasure, and I told him about my Disney-obsessed mom who my dad could never say no to. We traded horrible date stories and embarrassing moments. We found that we had a similar love of music—both of us preferring rock with a little pop mixed in.

So when I found myself watching the clock after I put Zoe to bed, it wasn’t out of the ordinary. But to kill time I busied myself with getting the tea we held but hardly drank ready as I waited. All the while I thought about how crazy it was that one of my new friends was a hugely famous actor and my new boss.

The kettle had just whistled when I heard him come through the door. I wasn’t a housewife—it wasn’t my job to wait by the door with his scotch or whatever. Or at least that was what I told myself as I purposefully kept my back to the door.

“Hey Briar. How was your day? You and Zoe get up to anything crazy today?”

I smiled. I couldn’t help it. Today had been kinda insane, but in the best possible way. I poured our tea as I answered. “I got out some finger paints that I found in her activity closet. Your little girl loved it. I had to clean up paint from every imaginable surface—both on the table and her. It was in her hair and up her nose and on the bottom of her feet. She would’ve rolled in the stuff if I let her.”

King laughed. “Yeah, she loves finger paints. I have to buy it on a monthly basis since she uses so much up in one go. Did you take any pictures of the mayhem?”

I set my tea down on the table and grabbed my phone. As I pulled up today’s photos, I moved around the table until I stood next to him. King’s breath hitched in his throat when his hand brushed mine.

I frowned. That was weird. I almost asked if he was okay when I saw the dark circles under his eyes. He was obviously tired, so I let it go, while silently promising myself to stop taking up so much of his time. Clearly this man needed more sleep.

“She’s so goofy. Can you send me those?”

I tipped my head back and watched King thumb through the photos on my phone again. He had this spellbound smile on his face, like someone who loved his daughter more than anything.

Because that was the amazing thing about Kingston Grier. He might be a huge Hollywood star, but the guy was in love with his daughter. He was the best kind of man. You couldn’t help but want to be in his orbit. And I was thankful that we’d finally become friends.


I blinked away from my deep thoughts and found Kingston staring back at me with a frown. “The pictures? Can you send them to me?”

“Yeah, sorry. I was just woolgathering.” I gave him a chagrined smile as I took my phone back. My fingers flew acrossthe screen as I selected the pictures to send to King’s phone. “It’s been a day, ya know?”

“Tell me about it. We ran through our last scene tonight so many times that my lines were starting to feel like gibberish. Like not real words.”

“Oh. Are you tired? We don’t have to do this every night. I just—”

“No!” His head shot up as he all but yelled the word at me. Like a lunatic.

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance