Page 23 of Fighting for King

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I really needed to look into fertility clinics.

Mom: So? What’s going on?

And just like that, I was jolted back to reality—I was the nanny with the insane parents who still harped on me at the ripe ole age of thirty. That was my life.

When I’d told my parents I wouldn’t have much time off for the first few months, they’d gone ballistic, ranting about slave labor and selfish jerks. And I’d decided not to introduce my parents to Kingston after all. I’d spent the rest of my time off with Lyla.

Me: You know the deal. Paps follow celeb kids even tho they shouldn’t. I’m just doing my job.

Mom: Well I don’t like it.

And then my phone rang.

I sighed and gave into the inevitable and answered. “Hi, Mom.”

“I don’t think you should keep working for that man.”

“’That man?’ You mean your Hollywood crush? The man you were so eager to tell me was on your five free celebrity list?Thatman?”

“Briar, please be serious. You could be in danger. I didn’t realize you were going to be followed by photographers. They’re vultures. Look what they did to Princess Di.”

“I’m the nanny for an actor, Mom. Nobody cares about me. I promise you I won’t end up like Princess Di.”

“You can’t say that. You don’t know.”

A movement out of the corner of my eye grabbed my attention. I looked up and found Kingston standing in the doorway to his trailer watching me with a raised eyebrow.

“Mom, I can’t talk right now. I’m at work. I gotta go.”

“We’re not done talking, young lady. You better call me tonight.”

“I will. I love you, Mom.”

“Love you too. Call me tonight.”

I ended the call and sighed as I slid my phone into my purse. Looking up at Kingston, I bit my bottom lip. “Is there even a slight chance you didn’t hear that?”

He slowly shook his head.

I groaned. “Great. At least now you know why I changed my mind about them meeting you.”

“I don’t know. It’s nice that she’s worried about you.”

“Because it’s seriously possible I might end up like Princess Di? Really, Kingston?”

“When it happens once to someone in your life, it leaves a lasting impression.”

That was enough to shut me up. I’d forgotten that his wife had literally died in a fiery car crash overseas. Like Princess Diana. I opened my mouth to apologize when he shook his head and took a slight step back into the trailer.

“Come on inside. There’s a few things we need to talk about.”

I silently followed him into the trailer. I peeked into the bedroom and found Zoe sleeping in her Pac ‘n Play in the corner. Today’s visit was a little bit longer than usual, so we’d run into Zoe’s afternoon nap time. I just hoped she wouldn’t be a bear when I had to put her into her carseat later.

“Have a seat,” Kingston invited, gesturing to the seat opposite the sofa he was on.

All his attention focused on me as I sat down across from him. It felt like a firing squad.

“I’m guessing you’ve seen the article onThe Babbler’swebsite.”

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance