Page 102 of Fighting for King

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Ella made a face and mouthedsorryto me.

All I could do was laugh. “Now you know why I talk like a preschool teacher all the time.”

“She’s adorable.” Ella’s head swung around as she watched King carry his daughter into the kitchen to talk to his brother.Then she leaned in and whispered, “And he’s gorgeous. I meanwow.”

I smirked. “Just remember, you’re married.”

“Yeah,” her husband grumbled next to her. “I mean, what the hell?”

I grinned and caught my sister up on all the details of my life for the past few months. It felt so good to have my family here for this. Despite their interrupting one of our few alone times, I loved that he wanted them here. Kingston really was the best man ever.

After talking to my family, I moved around the room, checking in with King, Zoe, and the cooking brigade.

Joyce quickly shoed me out of the kitchen in dramatic fashion. “You are not going to lift a finger in here today. Go!”

I was still laughing when I turned around and found Lyla standing nearby.

“Hey, Lyla. I’m surprised to see you here. Glad but surprised.”

“I know. But when Kingston Grier calls you, you kinda have to show up.”

“Does that mean he’s not fired from your agency anymore?” I had to admit I was a little salty that they would forgive him for the exact same transgression I’d been fired for.

“Nope. You’re both still fired. But that doesn’t mean I’m not happy for you. I am. You have the family you always wanted.” Lyla gave me a bone-crushing hug then whispered in my ear, “And congrats on bagging Kingston Grier. You have Captain America in your bed, babe. Bravo.”

I laughed in reply. Sure, he was Captain America to so many, but he was so much more to me. Looking over to where he stood holding Zoe in his arms and talking to my parents, I fell even deeper in love with him. He was kind, and gentle, but toughwhen he needed to be. He protected the ones he loved fervently, and I was so damned blessed to be included in that group.

He was everything.

“And I’m so sorry I was short with you when we talked last. I just… I was disappointed and hurt that you were avoiding me, and that I had to find out about you and Kingston along with everyone else. I thought we were friends.”

“I’m sorry for avoiding you for so long.” I shook my head apologetically. “It wasn’t my proudest moment. I mean, I was sleeping with my boss. I never thought I’d be that person. But it made sense and I…I can’t regret what happened. Even though it hurt you.”

Lyla nodded, but the sparkle had died in her eyes. “I get that. Regardless I am happy for you. Congrats again.”

As she walked away, I couldn’t help thinking that our friendship had been irrevocably changed. I’d betrayed her trust, and maybe there was no coming back from that. It sucked, but like I’d told her, I couldn’t regret what I did.

I had Kingston and Zoe now. And I’d fight like hell to keep them in my life. They were my world.

“All right, everyone!” Kingston hollered to get everyone’s attention. “I think breakfast is ready. If you don’t mind, Briar should fill her plate up first. She’s got a lot to do today.”

I crossed the room to King with a frown. A lot to do? Since when? But my frown lightened when Zoe tried and failed to dive out of King’s arms and into mine. King bounced her in his arms and attempted to hang onto his daughter.

“What do I have going on today? Are we getting some alone time?” I waggled my eyebrows, remembering how we’d been interrupted this morning.

King sighed. “I’m regretting my answer, but no. I’ve arranged for some people to come over to do your hair and makeup, anda stylist is supposed to be here soon with some outfits for you to choose from.”

“What? Why?” I blinked. “Where are we going?”

King moved behind me and prodded my back, urging me toward the kitchen. “The wrap party? You said you’d go with me.”

“We’re not going to that. You said there will be a red carpet with photographers and everything. We can’t go!”

“Are you serious? You faced the paparazzi all on your own and caused a hell of a firestorm, by the way, but you balk at a simple red-carpet walk?”

“I-I-I…” I couldn’t make my tongue work. He said red carpet walk like it was an easy, casual thing. It didn’t even compare to the stunt I pulled at the bridal shop. Yesterday had been a mad rush into the building toavoidthe paparazzi. This was so very different. “It’s not the same. And I was petrified the entire time. The only thing holding me up at the bridal shop was Nix and his smart aleck comments.”

“You’re welcome!” Nix shouted from the kitchen as he served himself breakfast, clearly done waiting for our squabble to end. “I’ll go with you, King, if she doesn’t want to.”

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance