Page 101 of Fighting for King

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I laughed and gave into the tiny tyrant’s demand to pick her up. “Good morning to you, peanut.”

“Wook. Pwetty.” Zoe held up the pendant on the silver necklace around her neck. A delicate trio of sapphires identical to mine sparkled in her tiny hand.

I gasped. “It’s gorgeous, Zo. And look. It matches mine.” I held my ring up against her necklace, and she beamed.

“You mine.” Zoe grinned.

King laughed. “I told her that we were getting married and that meant that you would be her new stepmom.”

“Oh.” It was so sweet, but still I felt a little pang at the ‘step’. And my slight disappointment must’ve leaked into my tone.

“Unless…” King raised his eyebrows.

I shook my head. “Ariel will always be her mom. I don’t think we should try to erase that. Ever.”

“No, I agree. But you’ll be the one here on a daily basis doing all the work.”

I tilted my head and gave him a look.

“Notallthe work. You know I’m hands on too. I’m just saying…”

“I know what you’re saying—and I appreciate it—but I don’t think this is the time. With the pending case still hanging over our heads, the last thing we need is someone telling the caseworker or judge or whatever that we’re erasing her mom. Let’s just let things flow. She’s not even two, yet. There’s plenty of time to decide on titles later.”

“You’re right. We’ve got the rest of our lives together.” His arm came around me, and he pulled me into a hug with Zoe still in my arms.

Zoe’s little arms patted both of us, and I lost it.

Tears welled in my eyes and a few streaked down my cheeks. “I love you two so much.”

“Wuv you, Bwi-are,” Zoe repeated.

Kingston didn’t say anything. I suspected he couldn’t when I saw all the emotion burning in his eyes.

The moment was perfect.

“Gah, you guys are like a freaking Hallmark card!” Phoenix shouted from his barstool at the island. “Are you done with the goopy bull sh—stuff yet? I’m hungry. Where’s the breakfast you promised us, bro? Feed us!”

Joyce whacked Phoenix on the shoulder. “Leave them alone and get off your butt. Breakfast would be ready a lot sooner if you’d help.”

Nix grumbled but still stood up and stomped to the fridge.

Joyce turned around and grinned at us. “I’m so happy for you guys. Welcome to the family, Briar. We’re so very lucky to have you.”

“Thanks.” My face heated. I hated being the center of attention, but I guess that was something I’d have to get used to, marrying King. “I can help with breakfast.” I moved to pass Zoe back to King when his mom yelled across the room.

“Nope.” Joyce shook her head and gave me that mom look. “You guys enjoy the moment. Phoenix, Roman, and I have breakfast in hand.”

“I’ll help too,” Sophia offered, jumping off her barstool.

Joyce smiled fondly at her daughter-in-law, then turned back to me. “See? I have more than enough help. You guys just enjoy.”

“Thank you, Joyce.” I laughed before I was swamped by my family, all demanding to see the ring and give me a hug.

“I cannot believe you’re marrying a movie star, Briar.” My sister, Ella, beamed as she held my fingertips and examined my ring. “I mean, I don’t hear from you for a couple weeks and this happens? What the hell?”

“Hell!” Zoe yelled, somehow latching onto the one word she shouldn’t.

“Here, I’ll take her.” King pulled Zoe out of my arms. “We need to catch up with Rome. I haven’t seen him in months.”

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance