Page 81 of Falling for Rome

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Rome sighed. “Day one, when we met on the beach was a hundred percent real. I didn’t know there was a camera on the beach pointed at us. I didn’t have anything to do with the press we got that day. I was just as surprised as you when the pictures came out.”

“And after? When my identity was leaked to the press? When I had reporters and cameras stalking me at work and at home. When they were camped out on my parents’ front yard? Did you have anything to do with that?”

A pained expression stole over Rome’s face. “I, uh, might’ve been the unnamed source who outed you.”

I remembered that day. How scared I was. All those people pressing in on me. Asking me all those gross questions. How I hadn’t had a single place to turn. Except to him.

Because that was exactly where he wanted me.

“Who are you? How could you do that to me?”

“It was just a matter of time. If I didn’t out you, someone from your life would’ve. At least this way—”

“At least this way youcontrolled the narrative?You completely effed up my entire life without giving it a second thought. Did you tip off a photographer that second day when more pictures showed up onThe Babbler’swebsite? Have you been stirring the pot since this whole thing started?”

Rome hitched a shoulder. “I wanted to help King. He was going through something really horrific and so fucking public. I told you that. I told you when we made this whole plan.”

“But you took all the choices out of my hands. You manipulated me from day one to back me into a corner, so I’d do exactly what you wanted. How could you?”

“Don’t make it sound like you’re a victim here. There was a quid pro quo. You got…”

“What? What did I get? Some time to write my next screenplay? I’ve lost my job, my apartment, my security. I lost everything because of you. Because you’ve been manipulating me since day one. None of this was up to me. I haven’t had a say in anything that’s happened in my life since I met you, including today.”

“What about me? Us? Doesn’t what we have count for anything?”

“How can I trust that any of it was real? I mean, you do this for a freaking living. I’ve watched you on set. I’ve seen the way you look at Megan Ross—it’s the same way you look at me when we’re alone. You’ve manipulated me from the start. I don’t know what I can trust anymore.”

“Sophia, don’t. I swear what we have is real. If you’d just—”

“No, I can’tjustanything anymore, Rome. You don’t care what I think. You organized this whole crisis management thing this morning without me. If my phone hadn’t blown up this morning, would I have known you were planning the next few days of my life without me? I mean, what the hell?”

Rome just stared at me with this lost puppy dog expression that I was so far from finding endearing. He’d manipulated from the start. Who was this stranger in front of me?

I shook my head. “I asked you to not make decisions about me—about us—without me. And yet here we are. I’ve played by the rules since day one. Because of your NDA, I haven’t seen or talked to my best friend in weeks. She still doesn’t know what’s going on here. And neither do my parents. Shit hits the fan, and you have a whole posse at your side. Where’s my backup, Rome? Where are the people who love and care about me?”

“I just… I thought we could hash it out and then let you know what was going on. Because this was about Roman Grier. The fake actor persona, not me. Not your Ro. The shit Victoria leaked is going to kill my career. And I told you Hope is in charge of the Roman Grier image.”

“That’s bullshit, Rome. You know that.”

“I do. It is. I’m sorry. I should’ve woken you up.”

“And maybe that would’ve made it all better if I didn’t know all I know about you now. Because now I don’t think I can believe anything you say. You’re a liar and a manipulator, and I don’t want any part of your charade.” I shook my head, tears sheening my vision. “I’m done.”

“Baby, please. Don’t. Can’t we talk about this?

“Talk about what? The way you trashed my life? I just…every time I look at you now, all I can think about is how you used me without a thought or care about how this would impact my life. You don’t care about me or what I need.”

“Sophia. Don’t leave like this. We can talk this through. I want to make it up to you.”

“Because I deserve your best, right? Wasn’t that your line inSWAK? You want to make it up to me because I deserve your best? Wasn’t that the line?”

“I didn’t say that. You can’t dock me for shit that’s not even coming out of my mouth. That’s not fair, Soph. I want you in my life. I’m starting to fall for you. Can’t we work this out?”

“Do you want to be with mefor meor because it’ll help with the media and ‘controlling the narrative?’”

Rome blinked at me and after a beat he shook his head in that disappointed dad way. “I’m sorry you think so little of me.”

“I don’t have time for someone who’s only out for themselves. Someone’s gotta look out for me. And clearly that’s not gonna be you or anyone over there in your corner. I’m done. I hope you and your career are very happy.”

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance