Page 61 of Falling for Rome

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“I’d think you’d want to keep it pretty tame so you can market it to a wider audience. Tension and sexual chemistry really are what sells. Actual sex is limiting in films.”

“Huh. I guess that makes sense. Kinda contradicts that whole idiom that sex sells, but I get what you’re saying. It wouldn’t be too much of a tweak to keep it at a family film level of heat.” She nodded slowly. “Thanks.”

“No problem. That’s what I’m here for.”

“Giver of advice and burgers. Your talents know no bounds.”

I cracked up. “I am adding that to my Wikipedia profile.”

Sophia smiled and took another bite of her burger, her eyes sparkling.

We ate in compatible silence for a few minutes with just the sound of the ocean surrounding us. It felt right. And peaceful. And the most comfortable I’d been in a long time. Both of us were easy and didn’t need endless chatter to fill the silence as we finished our burgers.

But after a while, I noticed that Sophia was shivering. The wind coming off the ocean had a chill to it, and Sophia was feeling it.

“Come here.” I sidled over and patted the blanket next to me.

She gave me a shy smile as she crawled across the blanket. The sight had me instantly hard and gave me all kinds of ideas for later.

In the meantime, Sophia sat down next to me, and I wrapped my arms around her. She tucked neatly into my side like we’d done this a thousand times before. Reaching over her, I gathered the rest of the blanket and tucked it around us, surrounding us in a flannel cocoon.

“Mmmm,” Sophia hummed. “Thanks.”


“So much.”

“Good.” I tried to be in the moment. To just enjoy being with Sophia. But all I could think about was my hard dick and the dirty, dirty things I wanted to do with this gorgeous woman. I swear to Christ if she wiggled against me one more time, I was pouncing.

This was our first date, I reminded myself. Despite the wonderfully depraved things we’d done last night, I’d promised that we’d take our time. Date. Do normal things.

Didn’t I? Or was I making all this up in my head?

We’d already slept together. We were living together. Why the hell would we not sleep together? Besides, sex on the first date was a thing. People did it all the time. No harm in making a little pass. Maybe make out a little. Hopefully more.

And then I noticed the dead weight slumped against me.

While I’d been debating all my justifications for making a pass, Sophia had fallen asleep.

Of course she did.

I laughed softly to myself and stared down sadly at my still hard dick. He definitely wouldn’t be getting any tonight.

Ah well. This was still nice. Mostly. With a side of slightly frustrating.

After a few minutes and once my dick had calmed down, I gently shook Sophia. “Hey baby. Time to go to bed.”

I was waking her up to put her to bed. I should’ve done the romantic thing of carrying her inside or something. But the chance was gone as she stirred.

“Wha… Where are we? It’s too early.”

I laughed as she burrowed into me. “Come on, Soph. Let’s go to bed.”

“Mmmkay,” she murmured as she lurched to her feet and stretched. “Sorry for passing out on you. I’ve been staying up kinda late to write, and I guess it caught up to me.”

“Not a problem. Want me to carry you inside?”

It was too dark to see her face, but given the way she ducked her head and didn’t answer immediately, I was thinking she felt a little bit bashful. After a minute, she sighed and shook her head. “You can’t. It’s too far to carry me.”

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance