Page 38 of Falling for Rome

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I darted a quick glance and sure enough, our audience was still there, phones pointed in our direction. No doubt recording us. Again. “Mm hmmm.”

“Great. This is why we rehearsed last night.” His thumb brushed my skin again and my heart lurched. “You ready?”

I nodded tightly and closed my eyes as his lips covered mine. Only unlike last night, I couldn’t forget that this was all fake. Rome wasn’t really into me. He was only kissing me because people were watching.

And it hurt.

I was so stupid.

When he ended the kiss, Rome beamed down at me. “Thank you. Ready to head on?”

I nodded, despite the pain in my heart and my feet.

This was the job I’d signed up for, after all.

Chapter Eleven


The next morning I was smiling as I came down the hallway toward the kitchen. It wasn’t the thought of my morning workout or the scheduled coffee run with Sophia after that had me grinning. No, I was remembering the giddy delight on her face yesterday when she saw the laptop waiting for her after our hike. I don’t think I’d ever seen someone literally squeal over a computer before.

Of course, that was pretty much the last I saw of her. Every time I walked by her bedroom door, all I could hear was the faint sound of her tapping keyboard and some muttering.

How long could someone stare at a computer screen anyway? She’d popped into the kitchen late in the day for a snack before disappearing again.

It was cute but certainly not normal.

But I could respect her work ethic. That kind of passion would get her a contract in no time. I was curious as hell to read what she was working on, not that I would tell her that.

“She must be good, if she has you grinning like that first thing in the morning.” The snarky tone of my little brother’s voice tore me out of my thoughts.

Phoenix aka Nix sat at my island looking like he’d been partying all night—if not all week—and hadn’t slept in twice as long. Bags under his eyes, and that sallow tinge to his skin meant he probably hadn’t seen the sun in who knows how long, and the redness in his eyes hurt mine.

I’d taken away his key and passcode after I’d caught him throwing a party at my house when I’d been away shooting a movie six months ago. The damage he’d done to my property had cost me thousands and almost got me sued by my neighbors. It’d been an insane headache. And all his fault. “Who the hell let you in?”

“Jeff was on his way out when I slipped in.”

“I don’t believe you. Jeff knows better.”

“Than to let your little brother into his house? What am I, a leaper?”

“No, you’re a fucking leech. What the hell are you doing here, Nix?” I bit out.

“My sister-in-law died. I came home to help out however I could.” Nix’s hands trembled as he crossed his arms.

Seeing where my attention was focused, a sneer curled his lips. I raised my eyebrows. “I know you’re staying with King—he told me. Are you clean? I think I should tell King to ask you to take a whizz quiz.”

“Seriously? You gonna pretend to be my daddy now?”

“Someone has to. You seem pretty intent on blowing up your life.”

“Fine. I’ll go back and hang out at King’s place, then. At least he leaves me alone and isn’t all up in my business.” A smirk crossed Nix’s face as he pressed his hands flat against the counter to stand.

“Wait.” I sighed and ran an agitated hand through my hair. The last thing I wanted was my junkie brother around Zoe now. Or ever. King might not have thought it through, but I knew exactly what Nix was capable of. “You can hang out here, but I’m not letting you stay. I don’t care if King kicked you out—you’re a grownup, figure it out on your own.”

“Where’s the love?”

“The love is at the bottom of my pool, where you and your asshat friends sunk my golf cart last time you were here.”

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance