Page 16 of Falling for Rome

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“Sophia! How’s Roman Grier’s penis? Is it as big as everyone claims?”

That last question finally goosed me into action. I slammed the coffee cup onto the counter, covered my face with my hands, and fled past my stunned coworkers to the backroom.

My chest heaved with my breaths. I was okay. I could breathe. But that humming sound in my ears wouldn’t go away. I sat down and tried to put my head between my knees. That was a thing, right? A calming technique or something?

Just breathe. In and out.

But still my heart raced.

This couldn’t be real. Did they really ask me that?

Oh god. I really hoped my mom wouldn’t see this. She’d want me on a plane back home in a second.

But maybe that wasn’t a bad idea. I couldn’t live my life—work—when that pack of jackals could be around the next corner. Was this really my life?

The urge to laugh bubbled up inside me. I’d spent so much time looking at pictures of celebrities online, and yet I never once thought about how it felt to be bombarded like that. I mean, it was what they signed up for, right?

Only I didn’t remember signing up for any of this.

Once my breathing was under control, I whipped my phone out of my apron pocket and quickly pulled upThe Babbler’swebsite. I had to know. How much of me was out there already?

Too much.

There I was.

Walking on the beach with Roman Grier this morning.

Bending over to pet Pongo while Roman Grier clearly checked out my butt.

Holding hands with Roman Grier.

We looked romantic.



Oh my god.

A buzzing sound hummed in my ears as I read the accompanying article.

Roman Grier Spends Time with Mystery Girl

Updated 10:12 a.m.—She’s a mystery no more! Sources have confirmed that Grier’s new girl is local baristaSophia Scott. How the couple met is still a mystery asRoman Grierhas been out of the country filming for the past month. More to come in this developing story…

Original Story—For the second day in a row, actor and leading hunkRoman Grierfrolics on the beach with his dog and a mystery girl. No info yet as to the identity of his new walking buddy, but clearly, they’re more than friends.

My whole name was out there. I stared down at my phone in bewilderment. I had hundreds of social media notifications. And my phone, which I kept on silent while working, had dozens of missed calls and voicemails. I knew I should probably look at them, but just the thought of it filled me with anxiety.

Someone I knew had outed me to the press. But who? Someone I knew now? Someone I went to high school with? There was no way to know.

I looked down at the card I’d pulled out along with my phone.

Grace Rothman

Freelance Journalist

The card included a generic email address and social media handles. That didn’t tell me anything. There was no knowing who she worked for. But no doubt, it wasThe Babbler.

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance