Page 12 of Falling for Rome

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Jeff cleared his throat. “You do realize they will probably be—”

“Jeff will stay here.” I cut in as I sent him a not-too-subtle glare. I did not need him alerting Sophia to my failsafe. Of course the paps would still be out there, but she didn’t need to know that. “I believe he has some work he needs to catch up on.”

“Work. Right.” Jeff ducked his head like a chastised child. “I’ll get right on that, boss.” The smirk he sent me had me rolling my eyes a second time.

“Sophia? Is that all right with you?” I asked diffidently, trying for a softer tone. “We haven’t even gotten to the mutual benefit part of the discussion. I realize this is asking a lot of you, but I want to reassure you that your time, and what will be no doubt a huge intrusion of your private life, will be compensated.”

“Compensation?” Sophia blinked. “I’mnotan escort.”

“Whoa.” I stood and raised my hands like I was the one under attack. “No one here thinks you are. I really work best when someone else gives me my lines. What I’m trying and failing to tell you is that this will benefit you, too. So much about Hollywood is about who you know, and I know a lot of people. I can take you to some industry parties, introduce you to agents, producers, screenwriters. By the end of our relationship, you can have a very lucrative screenwriting career.”

“How do you know about that? About my writing?”

Dammit, I was screwing this ten ways to Sunday. Why was every word out of my mouth met with suspicion? She’d been so starstruck yesterday, and even earlier this morning when I’d answered the door. I really thought it’d be easier to convince her to “date” me.

“Uh…” I rubbed the back of my neck and sent Jeff a desperate look.

“Excuse me. Apparently, I have some work to do.” Jeff stood and gave me an amused smirk. He patted my shoulder as he walked by then paused next to Sophia. “Nice seeing you again, Sophia. Maybe give our boy a break. He means well, and he’s just worried about his brother and niece.”

I sighed as Jeff left the room for the office down the hall. Really? I meant well? Was I screwing it upthatbadly?

Judging by the uneasy expression on Sophia’s face, I was.

Shaking my head, I rounded the table to where Sophia stood in the entryway. “Come on. I know Pongo would love to see you again.”

She studied me for a moment, and I might’ve held my breath waiting for her verdict. Finally, she sighed. “Fine. But if he catches a crab, you’re prying it out of his mouth.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time.” I laughed, suddenly feeling lighter.

Putting my hand on her back, I urged her toward the side door. I grabbed a leash hanging from a hook. Her cheeks flushed as I leaned close to her to reach the doorknob.

An alluring scent of sweetness, like almond biscotti, floated up to me. Damn, now she had me thinking of cookies—my weakness. Well, biscotti and rich coffee. Neither of which was on my approved meal plan from my trainer.

Sophia’s breath hitched as I paused next to her, thinking of things I wasn’t allowed to have. Which took my brain down another path. I wondered if she made that same sound when she was turned on. Was she a gasper or a moaner? Or maybe even a screamer? Both the thought and her alluring scent pulled me to her. I wanted to see if her tits were as luscious as they looked with her pert nipples pushing against the thin material of her camisole top. Would she gasp like that when I pinched her nipple?

But if we went through with this, it would be best to keep things platonic between us. The situation would get messy if we tangled up emotions and feelings in what was essentially a business deal.

So I probably should get my brain out of her pants.

I held the door open for her and watched in amusement as Pongo leaped against the dog run fence when he saw Sophia. He barked and wagged his tail so hard his back end shimmied. Sophia laughed and ran over to open the enclosure before bending down to give Pongo rubs.

Her tiny white shorts stretched over her round bottom.

I muffled a groan behind my hand.

If the next few weeks were an exercise in look but don’t touch, this was gonna be really, really painful.

I shook my head, then crossed over to them and bent to clasp the leash on Pongo’s collar. “You wanna walk him?”

“You don’t mind?” Sophia smiled up at me.

I shrugged. “You’re the professional.”

The light in her eyes dimmed, and I swore under my breath.

“I didn’t—”

“Right.” She cut me off. She stepped away from me and headed for the gate to the beach. “Come on, Pongo!”

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance