Page 68 of Empty Promises

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Hawke’s arm dropped off my shoulders. There was a crash, and I turned around just in time to see a guy slide down the lockers clutching his stomach. His books spilled all over the floor, and he groaned and whimpered.

Hawke walked away proudly and handed me a grape soda.

“I don’t like grape.” It was the first thing that came to mind.

“Oh.” Hawke tossed the soda back at the guy, hitting him on the forehead.

The thunk echoed down the hall, and he slumped further to the floor. I was left speechless as Hawke walked away again. A screech came from down the hall.Shit, he moves fast.

“Corpse, do you like peach or watermelon?” Hawke had a teacher pinned down, his face smooshed to the floor, his arm bent back at a weird angle, the soda still clenched in his hand.

On his other side was a girl, her hair firmly in his hand. She was trembling, holding out a peach soda. What the fuck was I going to do with him?

“Keegan, answer him before he escalates,” Mac whispered.

“You can have it. Please, let me go,” the girl screeched.

Hawke didn’t even look at her his gaze was solely focused on me. Electricity shot straight through me. Would he kill for me just so I could get something to drink? It was absurd, yet my chest filled with butterflies. The corners of my mouth tilted up into a smile, and I was sure I looked as crazy as I felt.

“Peach, and let them go.” I forced the odd sensation down.

Hawke listened immediately, taking the peach soda from the girl. Both she and the teacher ran the moment they were released. Everyone else who’d been milling about in the hallway scattered like cockroaches.

“Here you go.” Hawke popped the tab and placed his arm back around my shoulders.

He watched me, and I realized he was waiting for me to take a sip. I did, and the sugary drink tasted ten times better than it ever had.

Mac cocked a brow.


He glanced over to Hawke and then me. Right then, I let out another sigh. “We might have come to an agreement.” My fingers drummed against the soda can as I contemplated my next few words.

Hawke laughed, having no issue with telling it how he saw it. “She claimed me.”

Does he take that day seriously?Warmth rushed to my face, and I refused to look at either of them. He was making me feel too much.

“Claimed?” Mac’s eyes widened as he stared at me.

I knew that look. He was practically screaming, “What the fuck is he talking about?”

I shrugged and calmed myself down.Be cool, Keegan.“He grows on you.”

“I’m sure he does.” Mac started walking again.

He took everything in stride as if what just happened was normal. I wasn’t surprised that no one came to grab Hawke, suspend, or expel him. The faculty and students never made a move toward the kings. As far as I could tell, they sat at the top, so above everyone else that no one dared to approach them.

“Now that you’re done ignoring me. Are you eating with us?”

Before I could answer, Hawke pulled me away. “Where are you steering me?”

Hawke sighed and laid his head on my shoulder. He was a lot more touchy-feely than I’d assumed. I noticed he didn’t touch other people. He moved around, avoiding bumping into people. His movements were subtle. If I weren’t watching him so keenly, I would have missed them.

“Does it matter?” Hawke asked.


“See you later, Kee,” Mac shouted.

Tags: Brea Lykos Romance