Page 27 of Kidnapped Wolf

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Their intel indicated that the goblin rebels were holed up in one of the abandoned factories in the industrial district of the Underland. Although Theo was of the mind that every corner of their limited space underground should be utilized to its maximum potential, there was still much to do in his lands to make that possible.

The factory had old and rusting metal walls with several windows that had been smashed. However, despite the factory being out of use officially, there was a suspicious amount of goblins hanging about. Although it would make getting inside a little harder, Theo saw this as a good thing. It meant the rebels hadn't been warned, and they would be able to capture more of them than they might have otherwise.

The outside was well-guarded; there were at least two dozen goblins on patrol, and there would be more inside. Theo signaled for the others to stop, and they all took a moment to assess the situation. The factory was surrounded by a high fence, and the only way in which he could see was through the front gate. There was no way they would be able to get inside without being seen.

"We'll have to go in hot," Ryel said, reading his mind. "Take out as many as we can before they have a chance to sound the alarm."

Theo nodded. It was their only option. "I hope Kaleus is inside. It's time he paid for all he's done."

He turned to the others and gave them a quick rundown of the plan. Then they split into two groups, with Theo leading one group around back while Ryel and the others took care of the front gate guards. A third group, the support squad that Lily was with, would stay hidden outside the front gate to capture anyone who tried to flee in that direction.

Theo's group crept around the side of the factory, staying close to the wall to avoid being seen. When they got to the back, they found a small metal door with a crooked handle and a dent on the front; it looked like it had been forced open at some point. Theo motioned for two of his men—one goblin and one wolf—to go inside and make sure it was clear before following them in.

At first, there was only silence when they went inside to investigate. Then, the goblin made a croaking sound, and the wolf cried for backup. Theo threw the door open, and inside the factory, he found twelve rebel goblins ready to attack. The scouts Theo had sent in ahead were crumpled at the rebels' feet, at their mercy.

"Surrender yourself, and they'll live," one of the goblins bit out. "Give up your reign of terror!"

Theo gnashed his teeth. How could he sacrifice them for his own life, when he'd sent them in ahead? How could he give up everything he'd fought for?

"Never!" Theo snarled. "You traitors should be the ones considering surrender, otherwise, I can't guarantee you'll survive the night."

With a sharp howl, Theo threw himself into the fray, shifting into his wolf form and leaping on the nearest goblin. Behind him, four more wolves shifted and launched themselves into the battle to help him. The goblins wielded swords and axes, some battle-sharpened, others merely tools that had been leftover in the old factory.

They weren't all equally matched or prepared for battle. It would be so easy to rip their throats out and call it a day, but he knew that perpetuating more violence wasn't the answer. He needed them to see that peace was the answer, not more death. The rebels were fierce, and they outnumbered Theo's team, but he traded blows and clawed at his foes with every ounce of energy he had.

The battle was fierce, and in the chaos of shifting forms and flashing claws, and he raged against the goblins with fury and voracity, biting and clawing at any that came near him. For every goblin Theo took down, two more seemed to appear out of nowhere to take its place. But Theo wasn't about to let them win this fight. He fought bravely on until finally, after a long and brutal struggle, he had taken down twelve rebels single-handedly—a feat no one else could have achieved. Yet still, more came.

"It's useless!" a familiar voice cackled from the mezzanine on one side of the factory. Theo's attention flicked away from the battle, up toward the place where his cousin, Kaleus, waited. "More goblins support my cause than yours! Your days are numbered, Theo, because your ideals are wrong. The wolves must be destroyed, starting with you!"

In his wolf form, Theo couldn't respond, but even if he could, he didn't think he would. Kaleus had long jumped past the point of no return; he'd done severe damage to Theo and to the goblins as a whole. It was very unlikely that he could be reformed, and right now, that wasn't Theo's priority.

Anger bubbled inside him and with an unrestrained growl, he jumped from the battle unfolding around him and charged for the steps leading toward Kaleus. As soon as Theo arrived at the top, Kaleus swung a sharp blade at Theo. With a surprised yelp, Theo ducked and came at his cousin from the side instead.

He snapped at Kaleus' ankle, biting down on the weak tendons. His cousin cried in outrage and pain, and Theo only bit harder, the bones threatening to snap beneath his massive maw. But then Kaleus swung his sword again, catching Theo across the flank in a bloody gash before he could back away.

Theo howled in pain, letting go of Kaleus and stumbling in the opposite direction. The surge of pain made his vision spotty, and the blood leaking from his side made it feel as though his energy waned with each drop he lost. In spite of his injuries, though, he pushed forward relentlessly, determined to bring down Kaleus once and for all.

By the time Theo lifted his head again, though, even more goblins had joined the battle. More surrounded him, gathering around Kaleus to protect him from the wolf determined to bring him down for good.

Kaleus smirked cruelly from the top of the platform, his eyes gleaming as he realized that Theo was injured and vulnerable. "This is where we say goodbye, cousin. Your kingdom is mine now!"

Theo snapped in Kaleus' general direction, and although Kaleus yelped in surprise, the other goblins advanced on Theo. And then Kaleus ran, leaving Theo to fight them. Four goblins on his side came to his aid, however, as did a wolf, and after an epic battle that seemed to go on forever, the rebels were defeated.

Breathing hard from the fight and bleeding from multiple wounds that stung fiercely against the cold night air, Theo staggered back to look down at what remained of his enemy. Kaleus was gone, and there were several goblin casualties on both sides, but they had emerged from the battle victorious.

However, without Kaleus ... Theo feared this win was all for naught.

With a groan, the last of Theo's strength evacuated his limbs, and he collapsed. Instead of landing on the cool metal floor, steady arms caught him as he shifted from his wolf form and back into a map. Through blurry eyes, he looked up at Lily's beautiful, worried face.

He'd fought so hard for her. Because of everything he had to protect, and the future he wanted to build with her.

But would it be enough?

"Oh my God, Theo," Lily gasped. "You're bleeding."

"Just a flesh wound," he joked.

Tags: Ruby Knoxx Paranormal