Page 61 of Claiming His Kiss

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Their conversation was interrupted yet again by their server. This time, he came bearing food.

The creamy fettuccini noodles covered in Alfredo sauce made her mouth water. She hummed as the first bite hit her tongue. It was heavenly.

“I never remember how good this is until I taste it,” Kim said, with a contented smile on face.

“I know. They must have some magic potion back there or something to make it this good.” Ali swirled some more pasta on her fork and shared another tidbit of information. “Daniel can cook.”

“Like he can whip up a good breakfast or he’s a five-star chef?” Kim asked before stuffing a huge bite of pasta in her mouth.

“More than just breakfast, but not quite a five-star chef.” Ali paused. “He learned to cook so he could feed his kids when they were staying with him.”

She saw Kim hesitate, but her friend recovered quickly. “How old are his kids?”

“Twenty-one, twenty-five, and twenty-seven.”

Again, Kim seemed to be considering her next line of questioning. “So is this thing with Daniel serious or is it just, you know, a play arrangement?”

Crap. “We’re still trying to figure it out.”

Kim put her fork down, which considering Georgio’s fettuccini Alfredo was to die for, meant her friend was about to lay it out for her. “So that tells me that while you want it to be serious, he’s not completely on board.”

“It’s not—” But Ali didn’t know what it was exactly. They’d talked about it. Kind of. She’d let him know she wanted more than a play only relationship. Not to mention she’d spent every night since their first kiss in his bed. That had to mean something, right? “Can’t I just enjoy being with him?”

Her friend sighed and covered Ali’s hand with hers. “Of course you can, but I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“This sounds like a very familiar conversation.”

Kim laughed. “Yeah. Well, you were right to be concerned when I was in the thick of it. Justin’s relationship with Mark still isn’t the same as it was before.”

When Mark, Kim’s older brother, found out about her relationship with Justin, he hadn’t exactly been thrilled. In fact, he’d punched Justin.

Before Ali could say anything, Kim went on. “If he’s not as invested as you are, I’m worried you’re going to get hurt. He has adult children. I’m assuming he’s been married before.”

“They divorced a long time ago.”

“Has he had any serious relationships since then?” Kim asked.

Ali frowned. “I don’t know. I haven’t asked.”

“Are you planning to meet his kids?”

Again, she didn’t know. They hadn’t talked about it. “We haven’t gotten that far.”

Neither said anything for a long time. They finished their pasta and Kim motioned for the bill. “My treat.”


They made their way out of the restaurant and stopped on the sidewalk. Kim pulled Ali in for a hug. “Call me if you need anything, okay?”

“I will. Promise.”

Ali made her way to her car, her mind full of everything she and Kim had talked about. As she drove to Daniel’s, she couldn’t stop thinking about one thing Kim had brought up. Daniel’s kids. Would he want her to meet them? And, if so, what would they think of their dad having a much younger woman in his life?

* * *

After Ali left for her lunch with Kim, Daniel went into his study to get some work done. When he logged onto his email, he noticed one from James.

Hey, Dad.

Tags: Sherri Hayes Erotic