Page 49 of Claiming His Kiss

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“No need. I have to change between events, so I’m sharing a room at the hotel with a friend.”

Why did it feel as if fifty pounds had been lifted off his shoulders? “All right. Well, let me know where I need to be and when.”

“I’ll email you the info. Thanks, Dad.” James paused. “I should go. I need to get some extra training in before next week.”

After saying goodbye, Daniel considered what to say to Ali. He’d told her about his kids, but telling her about them and meeting them were two different things. Would she even want to?

Running a hand over his head, he pushed those thoughts aside. There would be time enough to figure out what he was going to do once James sent him the information.

He scooped up the listings Kevin had placed on his desk but didn’t see anything of interest. Setting them aside, he moved on to other pressing matters. Grant Jacobson.

A quick computer search didn’t garner him much information. He now had the man’s employment history, but that was about it. Grant Jacobson had worked in nearly every aspect of healthcare administration, floating from position to position, not spending longer than two years at any given job. But with every move, he’d worked his way up the ladder and was now the senior vice president of marketing at the largest hospital in St. Louis.

Daniel didn’t know what he’d been hoping to find—maybe a huge lawsuit from a former employee—but there was nothing. To make matters worse, the man looked like a choir boy. His blue eyes smiled at the camera, presenting a likable and approachable image.

Then, there was something in the man’s smile. A note of recognition tickled the edge of Daniel’s brain again. He had seen the man before. The place was still evading him, but they’d met. If he could figure out where, that would go a long way to figuring out his next move.


Ali was countingdown the minutes until she could leave. Her boss was being a special kind of irritating today. He’d started off by grilling her about the fundraiser. What time had she got there? Who had she sat with? How long did she stay?

Then, as the day progressed, he had her running from department to department, trying to get surveys filled out regarding the current marketing materials each department had. Her suggestion to send the survey via email to each department head was met with a scowl and a quick dismissal. She’d spent the better part of four hours walking through the entire hospital. Her feet were killing her.

At four o’clock, her boss called her into his office. “Yes, Mr. Jacobson?”

“I need you to stay late tonight and go through this stack of surveys. All the data needs imputed into a spreadsheet. I need it ready for my meeting Monday morning.” He handed her the surveys she’d put on his desk two hours earlier.

Ali took the papers but didn’t move.

When her boss realized she hadn’t left, he looked up, frowning. “Is there a problem, Ms. Foster?”

“I can’t work late tonight. I already have plans.”

“Your date can wait.” He turned his attention back to whatever he was working on.

She didn’t know what to do. Staying wasn’t an option. Not only was Daniel coming to pick her up in half an hour, but she’d also promised Bridget she’d cover for her.

“You’re still here.”

Ali cleared her throat. “I’m sorry, Mr. Jacobson, but I really can’t stay tonight. When is your meeting Monday morning?”

He scowled at her. “Ten o’clock.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. She could come in early on Monday and get it done. Three hours should be plenty of time. “I’ll come in early Monday morning and get everything entered. Would you prefer a printout, or would you like me to email it to you?” She sounded confident, but inside she was shaking.

Grant Jacobson stared her down and she almost gave in. If it weren’t for her other commitments, she would have. “Both.”

Blowing out the breath she’d been holding, she nodded, turned on her heel, and hightailed it out of there before he could demand something else from her.

Her boss was still sitting behind his desk when she logged off her computer at four thirty. Ali gathered her things and headed to the elevator. She chatted to a few people she knew on the way down to the lobby, but all she wanted to do was get out of there.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, she made a beeline for the front doors. Daniel was parked out front, waiting for her. A feeling of calm came over her at seeing him sitting behind the wheel.

He watched her as she approached the vehicle, his gaze raking over her from head to toe. She opened the door to the SUV and slid into the passenger seat. Once she was buckled in, he pulled away from the curb and headed toward the club. It wasn’t until they were on their way that he spoke. “What happened?”

“How did you know something happened?” she asked.

Daniel gave her a look that said he expected an answer.

Tags: Sherri Hayes Erotic