Page 47 of Claiming His Kiss

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What felt like several minutes later, she was being scooped up into a set of arms. She rested her head on his shoulder as he carried her to the other side of the bed and laid her down. He climbed in beside her and gathered her to him, holding her close. “How are you feeling?”

“Tired, Sir.” She snuggled into his warmth. Being with him like this felt so good. Her body ached in the best way.

“I want you to drink some water. Then you can sleep.”

Ali nodded and forced her eyes open as he brought a glass of water to her lips. She took a drink, letting the liquid rehydrate her dry throat. All she wanted to do was sleep, but she knew she had to drink.

It took a while, but eventually she finished her water. Daniel set the empty glass on the nightstand and lowered them both so they were lying flat in the bed.

She let her eyes drift closed, sleep calling her. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

He kissed the top of her head. “Go to sleep, now.”

“Okay.” Her words were mumbled, and she had no idea if he’d heard her, but it didn’t matter. He’d heard her apology. That’s what counted.

* * *

A light drizzle tapped against the windows as Daniel eased himself out of the bed the next morning. Ali had clung to him for most of the night, snoring softly against his chest.

He tucked the covers around her shoulders, letting her sleep a little longer as he padded to the bathroom to take care of business.

It was a little after four. Too early to be awake, but his mind had other ideas.

Changing into his workout clothes, he headed upstairs to the gym and stepped onto the treadmill. The sound of his feet hitting the rubber as he slowly increased the speed and incline brought with it a sense of steadiness.

A half hour later, he was drenched in sweat and breathing hard. He wiped the moisture from his brow and grabbed a bottle of water from the mini refrigerator, downing it in one go. Then, he headed over to the weights.

As he moved through his strength training, Daniel let his thoughts drift to what Ali had told him about her boss. He was still positive he’d heard the name Grant Jacobson before, but he had no idea where.

The logical answer would be somewhere through his work, but that was a broad scope. He worked with contractors, other real estate agents, HOAs, inspectors…

The list went on and on.

At five o’clock, he called it quits and went downstairs to grab a shower. That was where Ali found him.

He hadn’t heard her at first. It wasn’t until she opened the door, drawing his attention, that he realized she was in the bathroom.

She stepped into the shower, and he reached for her, pulling her against him. He cupped the back of her head, lowering his mouth to hers. She tasted of mint, which let him know she’d been awake long enough to sneak off to her room and brush her teeth. “Good morning.”

Ali smiled up at him. “Good morning.”

He kissed her again, unable to resist, before tilting her head back into the spray. Once her hair was wet, he reached for the shampoo and began massaging it into her scalp. “How are you feeling this morning?”

She hummed.

He wasn’t sure if that was in response to him washing her hair or in answer to his question. “I’m going to need more than that, sweetheart.”

“I feel like I’ve been thoroughly fucked.”

The blissful look on her face had him tightening his hold on her hair. Her mouth opened, forming an O, and his cock pulsed. He needed to change the direction of their conversation, or he’d have her pressed against the wall of the shower in a matter of seconds. “You get off at five today?”

“Four thirty.” She let him tilt her head back again, rinsing the shampoo from her locks. “I have to be at the club by five thirty tonight.”

“You’re working tonight?” He’d memorized her schedule a long time ago. She and Bridget traded off so neither had to work both nights the club was open.

As he retrieved the conditioner from the shelf, she answered, “Bridget asked if I’d cover her prep work tonight. She had an appointment or something and can’t get there until six thirty.”

That was good. He had plans for her tonight. “I’ll drop you at work this morning and pick you up.”

Tags: Sherri Hayes Erotic