Page 42 of Claiming His Kiss

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Logan tucked the business card in the pocket of his tux. “Sounds great.” Then he looked at Lily. “Did you want to chat with anyone?”

She stood, not waiting for him to assist her. “I need to talk to Cheryl. Oh, and I should probably find Greg, too.”

Logan chuckled. “Hopefully, we’ll see you both around.”

Daniel watched as they disappeared in the crowd, shaking his head. He definitely remembered Logan and Lily.


Ali didn’t knowwhat to make of the couple who’d just left. He was quiet and reserved, while she was friendly and talkative. If Daniel was right, and she had no doubt he was, then they were in the lifestyle. While not all submissives were demure and quiet, Lily seemed the opposite of submissive. Then again, Ali would guess they weren’t playing tonight.

“Is there anyone you wanted to talk to?” Daniel asked, pulling her out of her thoughts.

“Um. I should probably see if I can find some of the other executives from the hospital. At least so there’s proof I was here.”

Daniel frowned. “Why would you need to prove you were here?”

She hadn’t told Daniel much about her boss. He knew she was an executive assistant for one of the senior vice presidents at the hospital, but that was about it. The last thing she wanted to do when she wasn’t at work was talk about it. “In case my boss decides to check.”

His frown deepened.

She knew he was going to ask questions she didn’t want to answer, so she stood, hoping he would follow. It took a moment, but he did. Daniel took a step toward her. He ran his hand over her shoulder and down her arm in a light caress that had thoughts of her boss evaporating. “I’ll let it go for now.” The implication was that they would be talking about it later.

He took hold of her hand and let her lead them through the throng of people until she saw someone she knew. Luckily, it was the hospital CEO. Mason Barrett was a handsome man in his early fifties. He noticed her approaching and smiled. “Ali. I didn’t realize you’d be here tonight.”

“Mr. Jacobson and his wife couldn’t come, so he asked if I’d step in.” That was the nice way of putting it.

She introduced Daniel to Mason and his wife.

“You look vaguely familiar,” Mason said to Daniel. “Do you work for the hospital?”

“No. I’m in real estate.”

“Commercial? Residential?” Mason asked. “The hospital’s always growing and expanding.”

“I dabble in a little of both.”

The hospital’s CEO didn’t seem fazed by Daniel’s less than specific answer. “Do you have a card?”

Daniel produced a business card out of what seemed like thin air. He handed it to Mason. “I’ll help if I can. And if I can’t, I have some other contacts who might be a better fit.”

A man tapped on Mason’s shoulder and whispered something in his ear. Mason nodded, then turned back to them with a smile. “If you’ll both excuse us. Thanks again for the card.”

Mason and his wife followed the other man through the crowd.

“Is that enough proof, or do we need to seek out more people?”

Even though his tone was pleasant, Ali knew him well enough to know he wasn’t happy. “I think I’m good.”

She looked over his shoulder, not wanting to meet his gaze, and saw Logan and Lily gliding over the makeshift dance floor. Daniel turned his head to see what had drawn her attention. “Would you like to dance?” he asked.

Ali loved to dance, but none of her previous boyfriends had been interested. Especially not to the type of music currently being played. “Yes, please.”

Daniel led her over to the edge of the dance floor and twirled her into his arms, causing her to giggle.

He grinned and she felt some of the tension leave his body as he began moving them in time with the music. The bottom of her dress flared out as he turned them in a circle, weaving them around the other couples effortlessly. He was confident on the dance floor, which surprised her. Ali had never seen him dance at the club. “You’re good.” She paused. “Dancing like this, I mean.”

“I took ballroom dancing lessons years ago.”

Tags: Sherri Hayes Erotic