Page 28 of Claiming His Kiss

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“You’re going to be late for work.”

It took a second or two for his words to register, but when they did, she blinked out of whatever trance she’d been in. Glancing at the clock, she realized he was right. If she didn’t leave right now, she was going to be late.

Confused about what had happened between them, she set her still full glass on the counter and backed away. “I’ll see you later.”

Ali didn’t wait for him to reply before grabbing her things and rushing out the door.

* * *

The first thing Daniel did when he arrived at the office Wednesday morning was check all his properties to see if something, anything, had changed. It hadn’t. All his tenants were in the middle of their leases. His newest rehab would be ready before any of his rentals became available and that was still at least a month away.

Things were getting tricky with Ali. Reading part of her book last night hadn’t done anything to help his attraction to her. The scene had begun innocent enough but had devolved into a hot scene involving candles being dripped over the heroine's body.

Daniel loved wax play, but he hadn’t done it in a long time. His last submissive was scared to death of fire. They’d tried it once and she’d screamed her safeword before he’d gotten the wax anywhere near her.

Of course, those thoughts had led to Ali lying there, waiting for him to drip wax on her naked body. His cock twitched thinking of what her breasts would look like and her reaction to the hot substance gliding over her skin.

He groaned and rubbed his palms over his eyes, trying to will the image from his brain. Thinking about her like that would get him nowhere.

A knock on his door diverted his attention and he was grateful. “Come in.”

Kevin strolled into the room. “Gail called and said there’s a problem with the cabinets she needs to talk to you about.”

His interior designer didn’t normally call him for minor issues, which meant they’d most likely be picking out new cabinets. That would shoot his timeline to hell. “Tell her I’ll meet her at the job site around two.”

“Will do.”

The rest of his morning was uneventful. He went through his emails, scanned the newest property listings, and made a list of those that looked interesting. Timing was key when it came to flipping houses. The ones in decent neighborhoods with potential tended to get snatched up fast. That, or the buyers wanted too much considering the work that needed to be done.

At twelve thirty, he signed off his computer and drove to the dry cleaners. His tux had been hanging in his closet for a few years and could use freshening up.

After several assurances they could have it ready for him by noon tomorrow, Daniel grabbed lunch, then headed to the job site. He walked the backyard, wanting to stay out of the areas being worked on, and came up with a game plan for the lawn. It was a decent size, but at the moment it was covered in weeds.

Gail showed up right on time and they spent the next hour figuring out what to do with the cabinet situation. The door style they’d originally picked was no longer available, so he had to pick another. That sounded easy enough, but of course what he liked didn’t come in the color he wanted. By the time they were finished, he could feel a headache coming on.

He said goodbye to Jeff and walked Gail to her car, then drove to the gym. Ali was still working, which meant he had time for a swim.

He plunged into the pool, letting the water engulf his body as he glided through the water. Coming to the surface, he engaged his muscles and pushed himself through the water.

A half hour later, his muscles were burning, and he was breathing hard. He pulled himself out of the pool and noticed a woman staring. She gave him a shy smile but didn’t look overly embarrassed she was caught ogling him.

She was pretty. Maybe ten years younger than he was. She was wearing a one-piece bathing suit, but it showed off her curves as it hugged her waist. But other than acknowledging how attractive she was, he didn’t feel any great pull toward her. Not like he did Ali. Stifling a groan, Daniel walked to where he’d left his towel and began to dry off.

It was almost five o’clock by the time he made it back to his vehicle. Ali would be leaving work and making her way to her apartment. The thought of seeing her again had his heart rate increasing. He wanted to see her, even though he knew he shouldn’t.

Daniel drove to his favorite Greek restaurant, ordering a variety of his favorites. He had no idea what Ali would like.

The closer he got to Ali’s apartment, the more that feeling in the pit of his stomach began to grow. He needed a distraction.

Out of all his children, his oldest son, Bradley, called him the least. He’d graduated from law school last year and was working at a firm in Chicago. Being the lowest on the totem pole, he worked long hours. Daniel worried about him overdoing it, but as Bradley always reminded him, it would get better once he made partner. But in the ten or so years that would take, Daniel would worry. It was a father’s prerogative.

It took five rings for his son to answer. “Hey, Dad.”

“Are you busy?” Daniel asked.

Bradley snorted. “I’m always busy, but what’s up?”

“I just haven’t heard from you in a while. Have you talked to your mom?” While Daniel had been divorced for fifteen years, he was still on good terms with his ex-wife. And even if he wasn’t, he wouldn’t say anything bad about her to his children.

Tags: Sherri Hayes Erotic