Page 23 of Claiming His Kiss

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“Yeah. I just need to run something by you, and it can’t wait.”

“Okay. Let me check.” She paused. “When did you want to meet?”

Ali checked the clock on her phone. It was only ten thirty. She normally didn’t take lunch, if she took a break at all, until one. But she didn’t want to wait that long. “Noon?”

“At the usually place?” Kim asked.

The elevator dinged, letting her know she’d reached her floor. She exited, still holding the phone to her ear. “Definitely.” Ali was in desperate need of some chocolate, and no one had better chocolate mousse than Giorgio's.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah, but I’ve gotta go. See you at noon.” Ali disconnected the call before her best friend could grill her any more. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to spill everything to Kim, but there were too many people around and she didn’t want someone to overhear.

Like clockwork, one of the biggest gossips in the hospital strolled out of the mailroom. “Ali!” Joyce’s smile was friendly, but Ali knew better. The woman would throw anyone under the bus if it suited her.

“Hi, Joyce.”

“Picking up mail?” she asked.

“Nope. Just dropping off some papers to be shredded.” Ali lifted the stack of papers in her left hand.

“That little bit?” She waved her hand in dismissal. “Isn’t your boss keeping you busy enough?”

Ali forced herself to keep smiling. “Speaking of busy, I need to get moving. Have a good day, Joyce.”

Brushing past the woman, she entered the mailroom, found the shred bin, and dumped her stack into it. Luckily, Joyce was nowhere to be seen as she headed back to the elevator.

The next hour and a half dragged. But her boss, thank heavens, left her alone.

At eleven fifty-five, Ali logged off her computer, grabbed her things, and made a beeline for the elevator. Unfortunately, Grant Jacobson decided to leave at the same time. His mouth turned down in a disappointed frown as he got on the elevator and pushed the button for the parking garage. He glanced at his watch. “You’re taking lunch early.”

“I’m meeting a friend.”

He didn’t comment.

The elevator jerked as it reached the first floor. The doors opened and she couldn’t exit the elevator fast enough.

It took her another five minutes to reach the restaurant. Kim was already there waiting, and Ali slid into the seat across from her. “I already put in our order.”

They always got the same thing when they came here. “Thanks,” Ali said.

“You’re welcome. Now, tell me what’s going on.” Kim paused. “And don’t tell me nothing because I know better.”

Ali removed the fundraiser invitation from her purse and pushed it across the table toward her friend.

Kim examined it, then handed it back. “I take it you have to attend?”

“Yes.” Ali bit the inside of her cheek. “And I’m supposed to bring a date.” She leaned closer as if she were sharing some secret. “Justin doesn’t happen to have a tux tucked away in his closet, does he?”

Her friend laughed. “Not that I’ve seen.” Then Kim sighed. “Although, he would look really good in a tux.”

Ali flopped back in her chair. “Drat!”

Kim stared at her friend. “I bet I know someone who might have a tux hanging around. And who will go with you if you’d ask.”

“You do?”

Her friend nodded, pressing her lips together, trying to suppress a smile.

Tags: Sherri Hayes Erotic