Page 114 of Claiming His Kiss

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They’d talked about Cassie and her fiancé coming to visit. Ali was nervous, but she was trying to keep an open mind. Daniel said Cassie was happy for him and couldn’t wait to meet Ali. She was hoping the visit would go well.

But at least she wasn’t the only one in the hot seat. This would be the first time Daniel was meeting Jesse, Cassie’s fiancé.

Beneath the covers, Ali crossed her toes.


Daniel wasup at five the next morning. He tucked Ali in, making sure she wouldn’t get cold, and headed upstairs to the gym. Going to the treadmill, he set the machine for a brisk walk.

After warming up, he ran five miles, his feet pounding hard on the rubber. Releasing some of his pent-up energy felt good. Granted, he could have gotten that release another way, but he wanted Ali to sleep as long as possible. She’d been on edge the last couple of days. Making a good impression on Cassie was important to her.

He wiped the sweat from his face as he slowed to a walk, then downed the remaining contents of his water bottle. Ali was still asleep when he returned to the bedroom. He stood at the foot of the bed, watching her for a few moments. There was something about seeing her in his bed, her chest rising and falling under the covers, that brought a smile to his face.

He tried not to think about the time he’d wasted. Time they could have spent together. He’d thought for sure he couldn’t give her what she needed, not long term, but he was beginning to reconsider that notion. She was happy, which was all he wanted for her. Forcing his feet to move, he headed into the bathroom.

As he rinsed the soap from his body, he heard the soft click of the bathroom door being closed. His cock twitched with the knowledge Ali was in the room.

Wanting to see what she would do, he kept his back turned. It wasn’t until he felt lips press against his spine that he looked over his shoulder to meet her gaze. Her blue eyes sparkled back at him as she placed another soft kiss to his skin. “Good morning.”

He dipped his head under the spray, rinsing the last of the soap away before he turned to face her. Not speaking, he cupped her face and brought her mouth to meet his.

Her fingers slid up his chest and circled his neck, tangling in his hair. She arched her body against his, straining to get closer as he deepened the kiss.

Releasing her lips, he trailed kissed down her neck. Her eyes flittered open. “May I touch you, Sir?”

“Yes.” He scraped his teeth along her collarbone, smiling when her breath hitched in her throat.

Ali reached for the soap with one hand and twisted it between her palms to create a good lather. She placed the soap back on the ledge before taking hold of his erection with one hand and cupping his balls with the other. He closed his eyes, letting himself enjoy what she was doing to him.

She ran her hand along his cock from base to tip in a steady motion. Her other hand massaged his balls with such care, rolling them around in her palm. He groaned and captured her lips with his again.

As she continued to touch him, he kissed her harder, tilting her head back as far as it would go, demanding she kiss him back with as much passion as he felt. Never had a hand job felt so good and he knew it was because it was her.

He ripped his mouth away from her, quickly rinsed off the important parts of himself, and turned off the water. As wonderful as her hand felt, he wanted to come inside her.

Turning her toward the bench along the back wall of the shower, he bent her over so her hands could rest on the seat. He ran a hand over her ass before going lower and pushing his fingers inside to see if she was ready for him.

She pushed back against his hand, and he couldn’t wait any longer. He lined himself up and plunged his cock into her welcoming pussy.

Neither of them lasted long. He was on the edge before he’d thrust inside her and she wasn’t far behind. A little attention to her clit was all it took to send her soaring.

Once they were both breathing normally again, he dried them both off so they could get ready for the day. Ali fretted over what to wear, so he picked something for her, not wanting her to stress about something that didn’t matter.

He made his way into the kitchen to start breakfast while she finished her hair and makeup. When she finally made her appearance, she still looked uncertain.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

She shrugged. “I want her to like me.”

He gave her a brief kiss. “She’ll love you.”

Ali looked less certain, but she let it go. “What’s left to do?”

“You can set the table.”

Without another word, she went to get the plates.

They were halfway through breakfast when the sound of a car coming up the driveway drew their attention. Ali stilled, her fork halfway to her mouth. “They’re here.”

Tags: Sherri Hayes Erotic